Reflecting on Avengers: Endgame - Captain America's Bittersweet Conclusion

Reflecting on Avengers: Endgame - Captain America's Bittersweet Conclusion

Exploring the emotional impact of Cap's decision to go back in time and its repercussions on his journey.

Avengers: Endgame bid farewell to some of the big heroes in the MCU. Captain America seemed to have a happy ending, but there may have been some hidden issues. Although Steve finally got to dance with Peggy Carter after waiting for around 80 years in the MCU timeline, his life after that might not have been as great as it appeared. This is mainly because of how time travel was shown to work in Avengers: Endgame. Additionally, there are some details that make Steve's decision questionable, regardless of time travel rules.

When Captain America chose to leave the modern world, he was also leaving behind all the people he had met and the conveniences of living in the 21st Century. This means Steve would have to give up things like the internet, which he found useful, and go back to eating the boiled food he mentioned in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The complexities of both the MCU and Captain America's timeline make things even more complicated. It seems that Endgame's conclusion set up Steve's life to potentially worsen in ways he may not have even considered.

Captain America Is Giving Up His Modern Relationships

Captain America Travels Alone Back In Time In Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Steve Rogers' Captain America with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Captain America Travels Alone Back In Time In Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Captain America Is Giving Up His Modern Relationships

Steve Rogers' Captain America with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Captain America Travels Alone Back In Time In Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Captain America Is Giving Up His Modern Relationships

Captain America made the choice to return to the 1940s and be with Peggy Carter, leaving behind many people. It might have been more understandable if Steve had known Peggy for a longer time, but their relationship mainly existed during the war. On the other hand, Steve built strong connections over the years with individuals like Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, and even had a growing romance with Sharon Carter.

Captain America Will Need To Be Very Careful With Time

Steve's decision to leave behind his close friendship with Bucky Barnes in Avengers: Endgame is a significant sacrifice. The bond between Steve and Bucky goes way back before their superhero days, always supporting each other. This makes Steve's iconic "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" quote from Captain America: The Winter Soldier seem somewhat empty now. Additionally, due to the events of The Snap and Bucky's time in Wakanda, Steve and Bucky had limited time together before Steve's departure.

The TVA Monitors Time Disturbances In The MCU

Loki TVA Captain America Endgame Ending - The TVA Monitors Time Disturbances In The MCU - Captain America Will Need To Be Very Careful With Time

Loki TVA Captain America Endgame Ending - The TVA Monitors Time Disturbances In The MCU - Captain America Will Need To Be Very Careful With Time

Even if Steve Rogers could live happily without seeing any of his new friends again, he is still going to have a difficult time ahead of him. It was made very clear in Avengers: Endgame that changing the past would result in a new timeline. This means Steve has to be very careful in his new life not to make any major changes. If he does, it could have some catastrophic results for him and the new timeline he creates.

The TVA was introduced in Loki shortly after Avengers: Endgame. At the time, the organization existed to prune any timelines that branched off the Sacred Timeline. This means that, if Captain America isn't careful, he could be in danger of creating a new timeline and having everyone on it be erased by the TVA. While Steve says he went back to enjoy a normal life, it's hard to believe the Captain America that was shown throughout the MCU would have an easy time not getting involved if he thought he could help.

Captain America Will Have To Let Tragedies Happen

The Ancient One Explained In Avengers: Endgame That The Avengers Couldn't Safely Change Timelines

Bucky Barnes being tortured in Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Ancient One Explained In Avengers: Endgame That The Avengers Couldn't Safely Change Timelines - Captain America Will Have To Let Tragedies Happen

Bucky Barnes being tortured in Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Ancient One Explained In Avengers: Endgame That The Avengers Couldn't Safely Change Timelines - Captain America Will Have To Let Tragedies Happen

In Captain America: Civil War, Steve tells Tony Stark that he can't resist stepping in to help when he sees a situation that needs it. This quality of his was evident even before he became Captain America, like when he stood up to a rude man in a movie. It's unlikely that defeating Thanos would change such a fundamental aspect of Steve's character. This means he will probably struggle with just standing by and watching bad things unfold, knowing he could have helped.

In The Avengers, Captain America shows his knowledge of American history and expresses disapproval of some past decisions. This is consistent with his comic book persona, who once changed his name to Nomad after a disagreement with President Nixon. However, in the MCU, Captain America refrains from taking significant action to avoid altering history.

Furthermore, Captain America must witness personal tragedies unfold without interference. For example, he cannot save his friend Bucky, who is brainwashed and used as a weapon by Hydra. Steve also has to accept the tragic outcome of Bucky killing Howard Stark, a friend and father figure to Steve's close friend. Despite his restraint, it's difficult to imagine Steve not feeling a strong desire to prevent these events.

Steve Is Messing With The Carters' Family Dynamics

Steve Rogers Had Romantic Subplots With Both Peggy And Sharon Carter

Sharon Carter staring into the distance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier promotional artwork paired with Peggy Carter in her red hat pointing a gun in Agent Carter promotional artwork - Steve Rogers Had Romantic Subplots With Both Peggy And Sharon Carter - Steve Is Messing With The Carters' Family Dynamics

Sharon Carter staring into the distance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier promotional artwork paired with Peggy Carter in her red hat pointing a gun in Agent Carter promotional artwork - Steve Rogers Had Romantic Subplots With Both Peggy And Sharon Carter - Steve Is Messing With The Carters' Family Dynamics

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it was revealed that Peggy Carter married another man after Steve disappeared. Avengers: Endgame's time travel explanation shows that this wasn't about Steve going back to the past, as he hadn't done it yet. This suggests that Steve's decision to return to the past influenced who Peggy ended up marrying. It may seem selfish for Steve to assume Peggy would be happier with him just because they met first.

Captain America's Later Years Will Be Tough

There's also the awkward situation Steve will face with Sharon Carter. Sharon mentioned spending time with her aunt in her youth. If Steve ends up marrying Peggy, he will become Sharon's uncle. This could lead to an uncomfortable dynamic, especially since Steve and Sharon shared a kiss in Captain America: Civil War and may have had a romantic future together. Steve might choose to avoid Sharon to prevent any awkwardness, potentially limiting Sharon's time with Peggy.

Peggy Carter Passed Away In Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Old Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter in the MCU - Peggy Carter Passed Away In Captain America: Civil War (2016) - Captain America's Later Years Will Be Tough

Old Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter in the MCU - Peggy Carter Passed Away In Captain America: Civil War (2016) - Captain America's Later Years Will Be Tough

Avengers: Endgame revealed that Steve Rogers lived long enough to pass on his shield to Sam Wilson. In his later years, his Avengers friends will still be out there, but he won't be able to interact with them to avoid messing with the timeline. This will make Steve feel very lonely, especially since he lost Peggy years before the events of Endgame.

In the MCU, it was shown that Peggy suffered from Alzheimer's disease towards the end of her life. It was already painful for the younger Steve to witness her in that state, and after spending a lifetime with her, it will be even harder for him to cope. Steve will have to navigate this emotional turmoil without the support of loved ones like Bucky or Sam. He may not even be able to attend Peggy's funeral, as his younger self would be present.

As much as Avengers: Endgame tried to make us believe that Captain America had a happy ending, it's hard to see it that way when we think about Steve's new life. While every life has its challenges, it's hard to imagine that staying in the present would have been worse for Steve. The Steve Rogers we knew from the MCU would have probably hated the idea of not being able to fight for his beliefs.

Editor's P/S:

The article presents a thought-provoking analysis of Captain America's decision to return to the past in Avengers: Endgame. It highlights the potential challenges and sacrifices Steve Rogers faced in leaving behind his modern relationships, the complexities of time travel, and the emotional toll of witnessing tragedies without intervening. The author argues that while the film aimed to portray a happy ending, Steve's future may not have been as ideal as it seemed.

This perspective challenges the notion that a nostalgic return to the past can provide true fulfillment. It suggests that Steve's decision to abandon his present connections and responsibilities, despite his strong moral compass, may have ultimately led to a life filled with loneliness, regret, and emotional turmoil. The article prompts us to consider the consequences of our choices and the importance of embracing the present while honoring the past.