Captain America 4 Leaks Trigger Jaw-Dropping Reactions from Diehard MCU Fans!

Captain America 4 Leaks Trigger Jaw-Dropping Reactions from Diehard MCU Fans!

Marvel fans experience a sense of déjà vu as rumors circulate about Captain America 4, hinting at a potential explanation for Sam Wilson's absence in Secret Invasion Intriguing plot developments await in the anticipated movie!


Fans are frustrated with the rumored plot of Captain America: Brave New World because it feels repetitive and reminiscent of previous Captain America storylines.

Numerous Twitter fans have observed the repetition of Captain America's sidelining for promotional reasons in previous MCU films and series. They are skeptical about the necessity of revisiting this plot. The alleged storyline's resemblance to past Captain America narratives lessens the excitement for the movie and raises doubts about the originality in Sam Wilson's character growth.

The latest rumor surrounding Captain America: Brave New World has left fans frustrated due to the striking familiarity of its supposed plot. Sam Wilson, who has rightfully taken over the mantle of Captain America, is set to make his highly anticipated debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe through the upcoming film directed by Julius Onah. In this installment, titled Captain America: Brave New World, Sam finds himself at odds with Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, portrayed by Harrison Ford.

According to this new rumor, President Ross believes that Captain America's true value lies in his ability to generate positive publicity rather than actively serving as a hero. This storyline has struck a chord with many fans in the MCU community, prompting them to voice their concerns on Twitter. Take a look at some of their posts below:

One fan argues that the central conflict of Captain America: Brave New World revolves around Steve's internal struggle depicted in Captain America: The First Avenger. In contrast, another fan draws a parallel between this conflict and the challenges Sam faced in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

One Marvel fan wonders whether an original story arc for Captain America: Brave New World is beyond reach. Meanwhile, another fan contends that the entire storyline is redundant as it has already been explored in the past.

The resemblance between Sam's character development in Captain America: Brave New World and Steve's 1940s struggle is further highlighted. In a playful tone, another fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe wondered if Sam would also receive his own anthem, like Steve did in Captain America: The First Avenger.

1 Sam Wilson Being Benched Would Explain Secret Invasion's Plot Hole

Captain America 4 Leaks Trigger Jaw-Dropping Reactions from Diehard MCU Fans!

After assuming his role as the new Star-Spangled Avenger, just as Steve intended, Sam managed to overcome skepticism and solidify his worthiness of wielding the iconic shield through his impactful finale speech. However, if the rumored conflict with Ross is true, Sam will need to continue proving himself as the rightful successor to Steve.

In the larger context, the alleged plot of Captain America: Brave New World may provide an explanation as to why Sam did not involve himself in the Secret Invasion. As part of their strategy to conquer Earth, the Skrulls intended to incite a conflict between the USA and Russia. Despite his previous role as Captain America, it seemed peculiar that Sam did not appear concerned about the impending global crisis in the Disney+ series. If Ross is indeed restricting him, this could justify Sam's lack of assistance to Nick Fury.

The truth behind the rumor of Captain America: Brave New World can only be confirmed with time. If it does materialize, it becomes challenging to disagree with fans who believe that this storyline is unoriginal. Given the extended absence of Sam from the MCU after The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it is only fair that his first movie offers something more refreshing than a worn-out plot.

Source: Various (check the provided links)