Rare Feather from Extinct New Zealand Bird Fetches Record Price at Auction

Rare Feather from Extinct New Zealand Bird Fetches Record Price at Auction

An exceptionally rare feather from a long-extinct New Zealand bird has made headlines by smashing auction records, selling for a staggering $46,521 NZD (approximately $28,400 USD). The prestigious auction house overseeing the sale has confirmed this remarkable achievement in the world of collectibles.

A feather from a long-extinct bird from New Zealand recently sold for a record-breaking $46,521 NZD (around $28,400 USD), according to the auction house overseeing the sale. The huia bird was last seen in the early 20th century. Feathers from this bird have fetched prices as high as $8,400 NZD (about $5,100) in the past, as reported by Webb's Auction House.

The huia bird feather sold for much more than expected at $3,000 NZD ($1,830), making it the most expensive feather ever sold, according to Webb's Auction House.

Leah Morris, head of decorative arts at the Auckland-based auction house, described the rare huia feather as a beautiful example of Aotearoa's natural history and a reminder of the fragility of our ecosystem.

‘Lethal popularity’

A member of the wattle-bird family, the huia was prized by many people - ultimately proving fatal for the species.

In Maori culture, the bird's feathers symbolized high status. The distinctive white-tipped plumage were reserved for ceremonial headdresses, worn only by those of chiefly rank. According to the Museum of New Zealand, huia feathers were a mark of prestige.

These feathers were highly prized and often traded for valuable goods or given as gifts to show friendship and respect, as mentioned by the auction house.

A Maori chief wears a huia feather in his hair

A Maori chief wears a huia feather in his hair

A Maori chief wears a huia feather in his hair

European settlers in New Zealand also viewed the huia as a symbol of status. They used the bird's feathers for fashionable accessories and displayed stuffed huia in affluent households, as stated by the museum.

The museum reveals that during the 19th century, both Maori and European hunters hunted the huia bird in large quantities, selling their skins to collectors and fashion merchants.

The huia bird's popularity as a fashion accessory increased significantly when the Duke and Duchess of York were photographed wearing feathers in their hats during their visit to New Zealand in 1901.

“People kind of had a frenzy and decided that everyone wanted a huia feather,” said Morris of the event.

Three huia birds painted by Dutch artist Johannes Keulemans, circa 1900.

Three huia birds painted by Dutch artist Johannes Keulemans, circa 1900.

Three huia birds painted by Dutch artist Johannes Keulemans, circa 1900.

Museum of New Zealand

Scientists in the early 1900s tried to save the remaining huia, but their efforts were unsuccessful. A government initiative to relocate the birds to offshore islands backfired when collectors ended up selling them as dead specimens. The museum noted that selling the huia as dead birds was more profitable than keeping them alive.

The auction house announced that all potential buyers must obtain a permit from New Zealand's Ministry for Culture and Heritage before the sale on Monday.

Feathers are considered objects of national importance, so only registered collectors can buy them and they can't be taken out of the country without permission from the ministry.

Last year, a pair of Victorian taxi-dermied huia sold for $457,704 (around $280,000) at a UK auction, as reported by the auction house.

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