Ranking the 9 Episodes of What If...? Season 2

Ranking the 9 Episodes of What If...? Season 2

A detailed and analytical ranking of the episodes in What If...? season 2, including highlights and critiques of each episode's storyline and character development.


What If...? season 2 has concluded, leaving behind a multiverse of adventures and thought-provoking stories. The season, which premiered its final episode on December 30, 2023, brought to light the captivating narratives of side characters and villains, transforming them into center stage heroes and antagonists. It introduced the first superhero unique to the MCU, adding a powerful and empathetic character to the Marvel universe. However, amidst the emotional moments and infectious humor, the season occasionally suffered from feeling bloated and resorting to obvious fan-service.

Strange Supreme in What if Season 2

Strange Supreme in What if Season 2

As the entire second season of What If...? is now available for streaming on Disney+, it's time to review and rank each episode to determine which multiversal adventures triumphed and which ones fell short. While many episodes offered fun and engaging moments, some struggled to find a balance between novelty and familiarity. The best episodes were characterized by self-contained, character-focused stories that explored unfamiliar situations in the MCU timeline, while the weakest ones felt like they were excessively reliant on fan-favorite characters without adding substantial depth to their stories.

Peggy Carter and Hydra Stomper

Peggy Carter and Hydra Stomper

Episode Rankings

Let's delve into the rankings of the 9 episodes of What If...? season 2, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact on the multiverse. From the captivating narratives to the character development, each episode has left a distinctive mark on the What If...? series.

9. Episode 9: What If... Strange Supreme Intervened? This episode saw Doctor Strange selfishly endangering lives to bring back his lost love, resulting in a premise that lacked coherence and depth. The repetitive nature of his actions and the rushed development of his plan detracted from the episode's potential.

8. Episode 5: What If... Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper? This episode's attempt to retell a familiar MCU story with different characters fell short, lacking the depth and novelty required to make it compelling. It struggled to offer a fresh perspective on the characters and their journeys.

7. Episode 1: What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps? While the premise of this episode was intriguing, its execution was lackluster, resulting in a convoluted plot that failed to deliver a satisfying narrative. The episode struggled to establish a direct consequence of the initial premise, leading to a narratively unsatisfying outcome.

Nebula as a Nova Corpsman on Xandar in What If...? season 2

Nebula as a Nova Corpsman on Xandar in What If...? season 2

6. Episode 8: What If... the Avengers Assembled in 1602? This episode's fantastical nature surpassed the zombies episode from season 1 but struggled with excessive busyness. The constant introduction of new heroes made it challenging to maintain a coherent storyline, detracting from the episode's potential.

Korg, Nebula, Howard the Duck and Groot in What If...? season 2 episode 1

Korg, Nebula, Howard the Duck and Groot in What If...? season 2 episode 1

5. Episode 3: What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas? A festive and heartwarming character spotlight on Happy Hogan, this episode effectively utilized the holiday season release schedule and introduced the first MCU Hulk variant not related to Bruce Banner. It offered a feel-good narrative and showcased Happy's transformation into a powerful and endearing hero.

Groot, Korg, Howard the Duck and Miek at casino in What If...? season 2 episode 1

Groot, Korg, Howard the Duck and Miek at casino in What If...? season 2 episode 1

4. Episode 6: What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World? This highly anticipated episode introduced the new hero Kahhori, offering a courageous and empowering narrative set in the early days of American colonization. It redefined American history and presented Kahhori as an admirable and inspirational hero.

Nebula holding Yondu's arrow in What If...? season 2 episode 1

Nebula holding Yondu's arrow in What If...? season 2 episode 1

3. Episode 7: What If... Hela Found the Ten Rings? A captivating retelling of Thor's story with a compelling twist, this episode explored Hela's transformation from a villain to a powerful and empowering figure. It showcased her journey and the challenges she faced, adding depth and nuance to her character.

Nebula with Yondu's arrow and data in What If...? season 2 episode 1

Nebula with Yondu's arrow and data in What If...? season 2 episode 1

2. Episode 2: What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes? This episode celebrated the theme of found family over blood, portraying a powerful and effective storyline. It delved into the complexities of loyalty and love, offering a thought-provoking narrative that resonated with the audience.

MCU 1602 Heroes

MCU 1602 Heroes

1. Episode 4: What If... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster? This episode exemplified Iron Man's dedication to serving others and showcased his heroic and selfless nature. It delivered heartwarming moments and a compelling narrative that highlighted the iconic heroism of Iron Man.

Happy Hogan as Purple Hulk or The Freak in What If

Happy Hogan as Purple Hulk or The Freak in What If


In conclusion, What If...? season 2 offered a diverse array of multiversal adventures, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. While some episodes struggled to find their footing and deliver compelling narratives, others succeeded in captivating the audience and adding depth to the MCU. The season's exploration of side characters, new heroes, and familiar faces contributed to the expansion of the multiverse, providing fans with a fresh perspective on the Marvel universe.

As we eagerly anticipate the future of What If...? and the unfolding of new multiversal stories, the second season has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the MCU. With its blend of emotional moments, infectious humor, and thought-provoking narratives, What If...? season 2 has solidified its place in the Marvel multiverse, paving the way for exciting adventures and character developments in the upcoming seasons.