Prince George Shows Promise as a Future Pilot, According to Proud Father Prince William

Prince George Shows Promise as a Future Pilot, According to Proud Father Prince William

Proud dad Prince William revealed at a Buckingham Palace garden party that his son, Prince George, is showing signs of becoming a future pilot.

Prince George Is a ‘Potential Pilot in the Making,’ Says Prince William

Prince George Is a ‘Potential Pilot in the Making,’ Says Prince William

Prince George and Prince William. im Clayton/Corbis via Getty Images

Prince William is already thinking about what career Prince George might pursue in the future. During a chat with a chaplain from the Royal Air Force at a garden party at Buckingham Palace on May 21, William, who is 41 years old, mentioned that George could potentially become a pilot.

The prince mentioned to squadron leader Chrissie Lacey that his son George, who is 10 years old, would be thrilled to visit her base, RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, England. George has a great passion for aviation, as reported by the Press Association.

In 2016, Princess Kate Middleton shared that George, who was 3 years old at the time, had a deep fascination with planes and expressed a desire to become an air cadet. This was reported by HELLO! magazine.

Despite the cloudy weather in London on Tuesday, William had a lovely time at the garden party with his cousins. Princess Eugenie, Princess Beatrice, and Zara Tindall, who came with her husband, Mike Tindall, all joined in the fun.

Unfortunately, Kate, who is 42 years old, could not make it to the party. She is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. In March, the princess shared that doctors discovered cancerous tissue in her body during a surgery in January.

Prince William Offers Brief Family Update During Another Appearances Without Princess Kate

Prince William Offers Brief Family Update During Another Appearances Without Princess Kate

Prince George, Princess Kate, Prince Louis, Prince William and Prince Charlotte. Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The princess shared in a video by Kensington Palace that her medical team recommended preventative chemotherapy. She is currently in the early stages of the treatment and mentioned feeling well and getting stronger each day. She focuses on healing her mind, body, and spirit and finds comfort and reassurance from having William by her side, as well as the love and support shown by many.

During a royal engagement on May 10, William mentioned that the Princess of Wales is "doing well."

Kate is currently not expected to resume public duties, but she is actively involved in the new report released by her Royal Foundation Business Taskforce for Early Childhood on May 21, according to the Daily Mail.

A spokesperson for the royal stated that the projects led by the prince and princess are ongoing, with a particular focus on early childhood. Kate has been closely following the development of the Taskforce's work and has reviewed the report.

Editor's P/S:

Prince William's contemplation of Prince George's future career as a pilot reflects the shared passion for aviation that runs in the family. George's interest in planes dates back to his early childhood, indicating a potential path for his future aspirations. The mention of George's potential for becoming an air cadet further highlights his enthusiasm for the skies.

While the article mentions Princess Kate's ongoing treatment for cancer, it also emphasizes her active involvement in early childhood development projects through the Royal Foundation Business Taskforce. The Taskforce's report, released on May 21, showcases the ongoing efforts of the royal couple in addressing challenges in early childhood, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to this important cause.