Pokémon Horizons Episode #28: Official Release Date and Time

Pokémon Horizons Episode #28: Official Release Date and Time

Discover the captivating world of Pokémon Horizons in episode #28, where Roy's ancient Poké Ball gets stolen Stay tuned to find out how he copes with this unexpected turn of events Don't miss the release date and time!

Article Overview

Episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons sees Roy's Ancient Poké Ball stolen by a sketchy antiques dealer, leading to a mission to recover it.

Pokémon Horizons currently exclusively airs on TVTokyo, however, there has been an announcement regarding an English dub. The upcoming episode guarantees thrilling action and the possibility of unveiling new revelations about the enigmatic Ancient Adventurer, Lucius.

When Do Pokémon Horizons Episodes Release?

Catch the Latest Episode of Pokémon Horizons

Episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons brings an unfortunate twist as Roy falls victim to a theft. The sketchy antiques dealer snatches away the Ancient Poké Ball that once held the powerful Black Rayquaza. Don't miss out on this thrilling development in the popular Pokémon series. Tune in now!

Pokémon Horizons Episode #28: Official Release Date and Time

To catch the latest episode of Pokémon Horizons, fans will have to tune in to TVTokyo, the exclusive Japanese network airing the show. The episodes air on Fridays, and episode #28 is scheduled for November 10, 2023, at 6:55 PM JST. However, due to the time difference, American fans face a major inconvenience. The episode will be available at 4:55 AM Eastern Time and 1:55 AM Western Time, making it a less-than-ideal viewing time for most. Additionally, the episodes are only available in Japanese without any subtitles, so a basic understanding of the language is needed to follow the storyline. While an English dub of Pokémon Horizons has been confirmed, the release date has not yet been specified.

What Happened in Pokémon Horizons Episode #27?

Pokémon Horizons Episode #28: Official Release Date and Time

Episode #27 witnessed the Rising Volt Tacklers embarking on a journey through the Wild Area of the Galar Region, with the aim of rendezvousing with an individual who professed to have seen the elusive Black Rayquaza. Regrettably, this person failed to appear, most likely due to a deliberate misinformation campaign orchestrated by the Explorers. Undeterred, the team made the most of their situation upon encountering a merchant equipped with an array of curry ingredients. To everyone's surprise, Liko and Roy managed to persuade their timid comrade, Dot, to join them for a meal, which turned out to be a significant character-defining moment for the team's technologically savvy expert. In the meantime, the Explorers devise their next course of action, with Amethio proposing that they take matters into their own hands and trail the Black Rayquaza themselves in order to outmaneuver the Rising Volt Tacklers.

Episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons Sees Roy's Ancient Poké Ball Stolen.

Pokémon Horizons Episode #28: Official Release Date and Time

In episode #27, Liko's grandmother advises Roy to take the Ancient Poké Ball to an antique shop, hoping that the owner may provide information about its origins and functionality. In episode #28, Roy follows her suggestion, but unfortunately chooses an untrustworthy merchant who not only steals the Ancient Poké Ball, but also discusses it on the phone with someone, potentially the Explorers, as previewed. Liko and Roy must collaborate to retrieve Roy's lost Ancient Poké Ball before the dubious antiques dealer can escape with it or sell it to another party.

Episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons appears to bring back the action, following a slight respite in episodes #26 and #27 where the focus shifted to allowing the characters to take a breather. With the antiques dealer's knowledge and interest in the Ancient Poké Ball, it is possible that once Liko and Roy manage to confront him, he may offer valuable insights. Understanding how these mysterious balls function could prove beneficial, as currently they appear to operate based on the desires of the Pokémon inhabiting them. Hopefully, the upcoming episode of Pokémon Horizons will uncover another crucial piece in the enigmatic journey of the Ancient Adventurer Lucius. Be sure to catch episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons on TVTokyo on November 10, 2023.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of the Pokémon franchise, I am eagerly anticipating the release of episode #28 of Pokémon Horizons. The upcoming episode promises to be an exciting and action-packed installment in the series, as Roy's ancient Poké Ball gets stolen by a sketchy antiques dealer. This unexpected turn of events is sure to have major implications for Roy and his friends, and I can't wait to see how they cope with this new challenge.

In addition to the thrilling storyline, I am also excited to see the return of the English dub of Pokémon Horizons. The English dub has been on hiatus for several months, so I am thrilled that it is finally returning. I am eager to hear the English voice actors bring the characters to life and to experience the story in my native language.