'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2's Perfect Pairing Isn't Stede and Ed

'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2's Perfect Pairing Isn't Stede and Ed

Black Pete and Lucius share a captivating romance in 'Our Flag Means Death', displaying the power of communication and forming one of the healthiest relationships on the show

Editor's note: The below contains spoilers for Season 2 of Our Flag Means Death.

The Big Picture

In On Our Flag Means Death, the romantic relationship between Black Pete and Lucius is portrayed authentically and delicately, with a genuine and gradual development.

Their bond thrives on effective communication, as they prioritize transparent and sincere dialogue to nurture their stability and deep affection for one another.

Despite facing challenges such as betrayal and separation, Pete and Lucius make considerable efforts to reestablish their harmony and sustain a healthy romantic relationship.

Our Flag Means Death is not merely a love story centered around the romance between Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) and Edward Teach (Taika Waititi), but rather encompasses the entire crew of The Revenge who share deep affection for one another. Izzy Hands (Con O'Neill) harbors feelings for Ed, while Jim (Vico Oritz) and Oluwande (Samson Kayo) share a profound love for each other. These interconnected relationships form integral parts of the complex tapestry that is Our Flag Means Death. Although Stede and Ed's tumultuous love story is undeniably one for the ages, they are not the show's most remarkable couple. That distinction belongs to Black Pete (Matthew Maher) and Lucius (Nathan Foad), who, against all odds, have been living their romantic comedy dreams since nearly the beginning.

Black Pete and Lucius Have a Simmering Romance in 'Our Flag Means Death'

'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2's Perfect Pairing Isn't Stede and Ed

Image via Max

While Season 2 brings the heat for everyone involved, Season 1 took a slower approach. For Stede and Ed, this meant taking their time to acknowledge their feelings until the last minute. However, Black Pete and Lucius's relationship followed a different trajectory, starting off casually as they hooked up in the kitchen while Wee John slept nearby. Although they both enjoyed themselves, their future together was uncertain. As the season progressed, their bond became more evident: they called each other "babe," slept side by side, and when Lucius cut off his own finger due to madness-induced pain, it became clear that they were in an official relationship.

While Ed and Stede engaged in their star-crossed lovers trope, Black Pete and Lucius quietly built a strong and stable relationship in the background. Though they were never the main focus, the natural progression of their connection was apparent. When Lucius lost his finger, Pete carved him a replacement. Later, Lucius chose to rebel against Izzy, even with Pete as his first mate, because he loved him but recognized his vulnerability to authority. In Season 2, Lucius proposed to Pete by drawing a giant portrait of him on the ship's wall. Their gestures may not involve grand acts of rebellion or forsaking their wealth, but the mundane and adorable gestures they share are equally heartfelt.

Black Pete and Lucius Prove Communication Is Key on 'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2

'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2's Perfect Pairing Isn't Stede and Ed

Image via Max

Lucius and Black Pete truly excel in their communication, setting them apart from other couples on the show. While other relationships on the show face obstacles like missed opportunities and breakups, Lucius and Pete have remained remarkably stable from the beginning. Their success lies largely in their ability to communicate effectively with each other. In Season 1, when Izzy tries to create discord among the crew by telling Pete about Lucius drawing other men while naked, Lucius beats him to it and tells Pete himself, emphasizing, “We don’t own each other.” This statement epitomizes why their romantic relationship is the healthiest on the show. They love each other without possessing each other.

In Season 2, their effective communication continues to play a crucial role. Despite the changes Lucius has undergone, Stede encourages him to be open with Pete, offering advice that he often struggles to follow himself. Lucius takes this advice to heart and lays out everything for Pete, including what he has been through. In turn, Pete opens up about his own fears during the time he believed Lucius was dead. Their communication allows them to navigate through challenging moments and return to their shared love. Pete and Lucius demonstrate that love stories can be engaging without always being arduous.

Black Pete and Lucius Are One of 'Our Flag Means Death's Healthiest Relationships

'Our Flag Means Death' Season 2's Perfect Pairing Isn't Stede and Ed

Image via Max

Despite excelling in their relationship, Ed and Stede still face their fair share of concerns. It's easy to overlook the fact that many others were also going through their own painful experiences during their dramatic breakup at the end of Season 1. Lucius, betrayed and tossed into the sea by Ed, had to fend for himself for months, leading to a noticeable change in his character. Pete believed Lucius to be dead during this time, causing months of anguish. Unlike Ed and Stede, who were reassured of each other's safety, Pete and Lucius did not have that luxury. Although their relationship has progressed smoothly in most aspects, their separation and the challenges they face when they reunite highlight the effort they put into establishing ease with one another. While their love story may seem less extraordinary compared to the likes of the Gentleman Pirate and Blackbeard, it is their simplicity that forms the basis of one of the healthiest romances depicted on screen.

"Our Flag Means Death" is not solely a romantic comedy; it explores various forms of love such as familial love, friendship, and a love for adventure. This show celebrates love, and the relationship between Pete and Lucius serves as a shining example of that. They bring out the best in each other, not by trying to change each other, but by enhancing their positive qualities. Pete helps Lucius overcome his art block caused by Ed, while Lucius has a unique insight into Pete's potential and vulnerabilities. They achieve balance not through extremes, but through the everyday aspects of life. While Ed and Stede may be the couple worthy of epic tales, Lucius and Pete are the kind of couple you would love to have as friends – not distant stars, but a source of closeness and comfort.

Our Flag Means Death Season 2's finale premieres Thursday on Max.