One Gotham Knights Character Deserves Their Own Game

One Gotham Knights Character Deserves Their Own Game

Red Hood shines brighter on his own, making a solo adventure a perfect fit Discover why this Gotham Knights character deserves a game of his own


One character in Gotham Knights, Red Hood, stands out as being better suited for a solo game rather than a collaboration with the Bat Family.

The Bat Family crossover in the game was not effectively utilized, and the mechanics made it challenging to fully enjoy playing as all four characters.

A Red Hood game has the potential to highlight his distinct combat abilities and morally ambiguous nature, resembling a game like Devil May Cry.

One of the protagonists in Gotham Knights may be better suited for a solo game rather than a collaborative effort with the Bat Family. While Gotham Knights brought together several of Batman's well-known apprentices, it can be argued that their potential was not fully utilized. Particularly, one member stands out as not fitting well with the game's dynamics. However, these issues could likely be resolved with a solo game instead of another team effort. At the very least, this member deserves another opportunity outside of Gotham Knights.

The inclusion of Batman's death in the story of Gotham Knights was a surefire way to attract attention and bring the four playable characters together. The ability to play as Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, and Red Hood throughout the game was its main selling point. It's fair to say that a large-scale crossover involving the Bat Family is an idea that hasn't been explored enough in gaming. However, the game itself fell short of fulfilling the full potential of this concept, with the gameplay mechanics being somewhat cumbersome to fully enjoy playing as all four characters. Now, they have gained enough exposure to give it another try in the future, though one character deserves a chance to shine on their own.

Red Hood Could Do Better on His Own Than in Gotham Knights

One Gotham Knights Character Deserves Their Own Game

Red Hood, a member of the playable Bat Family in Gotham Knights, stands out as the most misfit character. Known for his morally ambiguous nature, Red Hood has a history of veering towards villainy before adopting an anti-hero persona. While possessing similar fighting and detective skills as Bruce, Jason possesses a more brutal approach to combat, unafraid to kill in his crusade against crime. His vigilante nature allows him to operate both within and outside the law. Although his time with other Bat Family members has tempered his tendencies, he remains the toughest and most aggressive of Batman's proteges.

One peculiar choice in Gotham Knights is the inclusion of a nonlethal version of Red Hood. Despite this, Jason's willingness to go to extremes becomes a focal point of tension between him and Bruce. A game centered around Red Hood as the protagonist, particularly a shooter, could better emphasize what sets him apart from the rest of the Bat Family. By focusing solely on Red Hood's unique style instead of forcing him to conform to the combat system shared by three characters with differing fighting styles, a standalone Red Hood game would provide a more authentic experience.

A Red Hood game could be a shooter with beat-'em-up elements that showcase Red Hood's combat prowess in various forms. With extensive training in firearms and close combat, Jason is skilled in dispatching enemies with his fists, sword, or any available weapon. The game could be designed to reward players for executing high combos and displaying skillful maneuvers while defeating foes. In essence, a more suitable game for Red Hood would resemble Devil May Cry rather than Gotham Knights.

Red Hood possesses untapped potential in the gaming world, which was not fully explored in Gotham Knights. Despite his appearance in Injustice 2 offering a glimpse of his capabilities, a dedicated game would allow Jason to reveal his true essence. It is important to retain the detective aspect of Red Hood, as his identity as a lethal gunslinger is integral. His next video game appearance must emphasize this aspect clearly. Red Hood has much more to offer beyond his involvement in Gotham Knights, and a solo game would serve as proof.

Gotham Knights is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.