Nicole Rockmann Addresses Mamie Laverock's Unintentional Fall, Promises Accountability

Nicole Rockmann Addresses Mamie Laverock's Unintentional Fall, Promises Accountability

In response to Mamie Laverock's tragic fall from a hospital balcony, Nicole Rockmann clarifies that the incident was not intentional. She assures that there will be accountability for what happened, emphasizing a need for transparency and responsibility in the aftermath of the incident.

Mamie Laverocks Mom Says Fall Was Not Intentional

Mamie Laverocks Mom Says Fall Was Not Intentional

Mamie Laverock GoFundMe

Mamie Laverock’s mom, Nicole Rockmann, wants to clarify what happened when her daughter fell from a five-story hospital balcony.

Rockmann told the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, May 30, that it was not a suicide attempt and was not intentional. She believes it is a miracle that her daughter survived and she is determined to seek accountability.

Rockmann mentioned that the family plans to pursue legal action against St. Paul’s Hospital following the incident. He emphasized that their main focus is on Mamie's recovery and well-being. Rockmann expressed his disbelief that Mamie survived and commended her strength and resilience.

He also shared that Mamie, who is 19 years old, recently regained consciousness. She was in the presence of her sister and father, John Laverock, during this moment.

Rockmann expressed optimism, saying, "Let's hope this is the turning point for her and she will recover now. I am grateful for the support and concern shown by people. The story will be shared."

Although Rockmann did not provide specific information about Mamie's injuries, she mentioned that the When Calls the Heart actress has suffered significant damage to her body and is experiencing intense pain.

Mamie Laverocks Mom Says Fall Was Not Intentional

Mamie Laverocks Mom Says Fall Was Not Intentional

Mamie Laverock Peacock

Ann Gibbon, a spokesperson for Providence Health Care, which runs St. Paul's Hospital, verified that there was an "incident" at the hospital. However, she couldn't share more details out of respect for patient privacy.

Gibbon mentioned that when it comes to patient safety issues, the hospital conducts an internal critical incident review to understand what happened and suggest ways to enhance patient safety. She also expressed sympathy for the patient, their family, and everyone impacted by the incident, sending well wishes for a speedy recovery.

Earlier this month, Mamie had a medical emergency and was rushed to the hospital just in time by Rockmann, who saved her life according to a GoFundMe page set up by her family.

After being taken to a hospital in Vancouver, Canada, Mamie was moved from a secure unit to a balcony walkway where she fell from five stories.

Rockmann and her husband, Rob Compton, shared that Mamie sustained life-threatening injuries and is currently on life support.

Since then, Mamie has undergone two 11-hour surgeries with two doctors and two shorter surgical procedures. The family mentioned that Mamie is now "doing well" after her extensive surgeries.

A recent update on the GoFundMe page mentioned that despite enduring tremendous pain, she refuses to give up. The update also expressed gratitude for the prayers and highlighted the miracles in her ongoing story.

Editor's P/S:

This tragic incident involving Mamie Laverock is deeply concerning, raising questions about patient safety and accountability. Her mother's determination to seek justice is admirable, as is her unwavering support for Mamie's recovery. It is essential for St. Paul's Hospital to conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate measures to prevent future accidents. Additionally, ongoing prayers and support for Mamie's journey towards healing will provide her family with strength during this trying time.

It is also important to recognize the resilience and courage displayed by Mamie. Despite suffering severe injuries, she continues to fight for her life and refuses to give up. The miracles witnessed throughout her journey serve as a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity. As Mamie's story unfolds, it is our responsibility to offer compassion, empathy, and hope for a brighter future for her and her family.