The live-action adaptation of Naruto is in good hands with the franchise's creator, Masashi Kishimoto, directly involved in the creative process. Destin Daniel Cretton, known for projects like Short Term 12 and Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, is writing and directing the movie. This is a promising sign for fans of Naruto, a popular coming-of-age Shōnen series that is part of the Big 3 along with Bleach and One Piece.
While Bleach and One Piece have already seen successful live-action adaptations, the upcoming Naruto movie will be the first for the beloved franchise. Live-action anime adaptations often struggle with general audiences and fans familiar with the source material. However, Cretton's filmmaking skills and respect for the anime give hope for Naruto's adaptation. Although there are still developments to be made in Naruto's production, series creator Kishimoto has shown support for the upcoming movie.
What Masashi Kishimoto Has Said About The Live-Action Naruto Movie
Kishimoto has already expressed interest in working with Naruto director Destin Daniel Cretton.
Naruto from the first volume of the manga making a hand sign and holding a scroll in his mouth. - Kishimoto has already expressed interest in working with Naruto director Destin Daniel Cretton. - What Masashi Kishimoto Has Said About The Live-Action Naruto Movie
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kishimoto is really excited about the new live-action Naruto adaptation and even hinted that he might be part of it. In a statement, Kishimoto shared his enthusiasm by saying:
After watching one of Destin's action films, I immediately thought he would be the perfect director for Naruto. Kishimoto seemed to be impressed by Cretton's work on the superhero movie Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Both Shang Chi and Naruto are action-packed tales with strong Asian influences. Cretton's talent in balancing action, drama, and humor, along with his ability to create engaging characters, makes him a great fit for bringing Naruto to life in a live-action adaptation.
Will Masashi Kishimoto Be Involved In The Live-Action Naruto Movie?
In the same interview, Kishimoto explained that he believed Destin Daniel Cretton was the perfect choice to direct the Naruto movie after seeing his ability to create compelling dramas featuring a diverse range of characters. Naruto, known for its optimistic main character who starts off powerless but shows remarkable courage and potential, will be in good hands with Cretton at the helm. While Cretton is a great fit for the movie, the extent of Kishimoto's involvement is still unknown.
Kishimoto's involvement will likely extend beyond being a creative consultant or executive producer.
Naruto makes ramen in a pre-time skip filler episode. - Kishimoto's involvement will likely extend beyond being a creative consultant or executive producer. - Will Masashi Kishimoto Be Involved In The Live-Action Naruto Movie?
It hasn't been revealed yet what part Kishimoto will have in the making of Naruto. However, his remarks about Cretton indicate that he may be more hands-on compared to other manga artists when it comes to adaptations of their creations.
Kishimoto shared that after meeting Destin, he perceived him as a receptive director who welcomed his ideas. He believed strongly that they could work together effectively during the production of the project.
Naruto Creator’s Involvement In The Live-Action Movie Should Ease Your Concerns
Although not officially confirmed, it is strongly suggested that Kishimoto's role in the live-action adaptation will go beyond just giving occasional suggestions. This is significant because it shows that Lionsgate is taking a different approach compared to other adaptations that have failed to involve the original creators. A prime example is Dragonball Evolution, where Akira Toriyama's input was mostly ignored. With Kishimoto playing a major role, fans can rest assured that the movie's quality will not be compromised.
The live-action One Piece's cooperation with creator Eiichiro Oda largely makes the adaptation so good.
Inaki Godoy as Monkey D Luffy in Netflix's live-action One Piece remake - The live-action One Piece's cooperation with creator Eiichiro Oda largely makes the adaptation so good. - Naruto Creator’s Involvement In The Live-Action Movie Should Ease Your Concerns
Kishimoto's heavy involvement in the production of Naruto is a good sign. His passion and care for the original vision have brought the anime to life and led to its success in various forms like spin-offs and video games. Lionsgate's interest in having Kishimoto play a bigger role shows that they see Naruto as more than just another project in their lineup.
It is evident from the positive feedback on Netflix's One Piece that having the original creators on board is crucial. Eiichiro Oda's direct participation in One Piece's production resulted in a faithful adaptation that also made smart changes suitable for live-action. The cancellation of Cowboy Bebop by Netflix after one season emphasizes the importance of creators' involvement in live-action adaptations. With Kishimoto contributing to Naruto, the future looks promising.
Episodes of Naruto , Naruto: Shippuden , and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations are available on Crunchyroll.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming live-action adaptation of Naruto has sparked excitement among fans, with the involvement of franchise creator Masashi Kishimoto being a major factor. Kishimoto's enthusiasm for the project and his belief in director Destin Daniel Cretton's abilities suggest that the film will remain faithful to the source material while also bringing a fresh perspective. This is a stark contrast to previous anime adaptations that have often failed to capture the essence of their source material due to a lack of creator involvement.
Kishimoto's role in the production is likely to extend beyond a mere consultative role, with the creator himself expressing a desire to work closely with Cretton. This level of involvement is a testament to Lionsgate's commitment to respecting the original vision and ensuring a high-quality adaptation. The success of Netflix's One Piece, which heavily involved original creator Eiichiro Oda, further highlights the importance of creator participation in live-action adaptations. With Kishimoto at the helm, fans can be cautiously optimistic that the live-action Naruto will be a faithful and engaging adaptation that honors the beloved anime series.