Naruto and Hinata Dominate Times Square in Epic 'The Last' Movie Bash

Naruto and Hinata Dominate Times Square in Epic 'The Last' Movie Bash

Naruto and Hinata dominate Times Square, NYC, celebrating the 9th anniversary of The Last: Naruto the Movie Witness the overwhelming fan response to the stunning billboard!

Naruto and Hinata have commandeered Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, New York City to commemorate the ninth anniversary of The Last: Naruto the Movie. @NaruHinaEvent organized the billboards to honor the strong connection between the No.1 Unpredictable Ninja and the Byakugan Princess.

The Last: Naruto the Movie, the franchise's tenth film, made history as the first canon installment. Released in 2014, it was also the final film in the series, providing insight into Naruto and Hinata's journey to marriage, as depicted in Naruto Shippuden episode 500.

Naruto and Hinata take over Times Square to celebrate The Last Movie's ninth anniversary

The Last: Naruto the Movie was released on December 6, 2014, marking nine years since its debut. In celebration, devoted Naruto fans on X organized a display at Times Square featuring fan-made artworks. The credit for this achievement goes to @NaruHinaEvent, in collaboration with @NaruHina_Indo and @naruhinafess.

The artworks, created by fans, offered their unique interpretations of Naruto and Hinata's relationship, in contrast to the official movie where the characters share a kiss. Thanks to the efforts of dedicated fans, Times Square featured the beloved couple, much to the delight of Naruto enthusiasts.

Naruto and Hinata Dominate Times Square in Epic 'The Last' Movie Bash

Naruto and Hinata as seen in the movie (Image via Studio Pierrot)

A similar event was also held in Indonesia, where fans had the opportunity to participate in a competition. They were required to visit the billboard located at Graha Mandiri and capture their own special moments. The post with the most likes was set to win a cash prize. However, no such competition was announced for the billboard in New York City.

How fans reacted to the billboard

Naruto and Hinata Dominate Times Square in Epic 'The Last' Movie Bash

Screenshot of fans reacting to the billboard (Image via Our Website/X)

Fans were delighted to discover their beloved couple gracing the bustling Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. They were immediately charmed by the stunning artworks, evoking memories of The Last: Naruto the Movie and marveling at how nine years had flown by since its release. As a result, fans showered praise upon the captivating artwork and the overall success of the project.

Naruto and Hinata Dominate Times Square in Epic 'The Last' Movie Bash

Screenshot of fans reacting to the billboard (Image via Our Website/X)Some fans also took the opportunity to express their gratitude to the event organizers @NaruHinaEvent for showcasing Naruto and Hinata on the billboard for all to admire. They were pleasantly surprised to learn that the event was not organized by Shueisha or Studio Pierrot, but rather by devoted fans.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan of Naruto, I am thrilled to see Naruto and Hinata take over Times Square in celebration of the 9th anniversary of The Last: Naruto the Movie. The overwhelming fan response to the stunning billboard is a testament to the enduring popularity of the series and the deep connection fans feel with these characters. It's amazing to see how the franchise has grown over the years, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for Naruto and Hinata.

The fact that this event was organized by fans makes it even more special. It shows that the Naruto fandom is still going strong and that fans are willing to go the extra mile to show their love for the series. I'm proud to be a part of such a passionate and dedicated community, and I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together in the years to come.