Mind-Blowing Minecraft Creation: Fan Replicates World of Warcraft's Dark Portal with Unbelievable Detail

Mind-Blowing Minecraft Creation: Fan Replicates World of Warcraft's Dark Portal with Unbelievable Detail

A devoted World of Warcraft enthusiast expertly recreates the legendary Dark Portal from Burning Crusade in the virtual world of Minecraft, showcasing their exceptional creativity and attention to detail


A World of Warcraft fan recreated the iconic Dark Portal from Burning Crusade in Minecraft, impressively replicating the landmark by hand using old concept art as a reference.

The Dark Portal holds great significance in the game's past and has appeared on login screens. FemKitsu's version resembles the one seen in Warlords of Draenor, featuring striking crimson gates and statues holding staves.

The Minecraft creation evoked feelings of nostalgia among numerous fans, quickly garnering hundreds of upvotes on Reddit within a single day.

A fan of World of Warcraft has recently recreated the Dark Portal from Burning Crusade in Minecraft. This impressive build accurately captures the iconic landmark from the game, showcasing the beloved blocky style that Minecraft fans are familiar with.

Despite Warcraft's extensive history of nearly 30 years, with World of Warcraft being around for almost 20 years, few things within the universe are as instantly recognizable as the Dark Portal. This mystical monument has played a significant role in numerous stories throughout the game's history and has been prominently featured on the login screens of Vanilla World of Warcraft and two of its expansions.

Redditor and avid World of Warcraft player, FemKitsu, has expertly crafted a remarkable structure in Minecraft known as the Dark Portal. This incredible feat was accomplished solely through meticulous hand-building over the course of approximately four days. Without relying on any imports, FemKitsu ingeniously used old concept art as inspiration to sculpt the colossal gateway with artistic freedom. Impressively, the end result bears a striking resemblance to the Dark Portal found within the World of Warcraft game itself.

Curiously, it is worth noting that World of Warcraft actually features three different versions of the Dark Portal: one on Azeroth, another on Outland, and a third on the alternate Draenor. FemKitsu's creation deviates from the smaller design of the Azeroth portal, instead opting for the distinctive red magical elements seen in the Warlords of Draenor rendition. Interestingly, artwork from the now-discontinued World of Warcraft Trading Card Game depicted the Dark Portal with a crimson gate, rather than the green gate featured in the Burning Crusade expansion. This suggests that FemKitsu likely utilized this artwork as a reference, as evidenced by the statues accompanying the portal wielding staves, in contrast to the swords found in the in-game model.

Mind-Blowing Minecraft Creation: Fan Replicates World of Warcraft's Dark Portal with Unbelievable Detail

FemKitsu's work has garnered a devoted following, with numerous fans expressing their admiration. The sight of the magnificent monument within Minecraft evokes nostalgia for many, reminiscent of their initial foray into World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade and the thrill of traversing the Dark Portal for the very first time. The Reddit post showcasing this image quickly gained a significant amount of traction, accruing hundreds of upvotes within a mere day.

FemKitsu has created a unique Japan-inspired TARDIS in Minecraft, although they do not have many other public builds. In contrast, World of Warcraft has a wide array of Minecraft designs made by numerous fans. These include impressive recreations of World of Warcraft locations such as the End Times dungeon, Stormwind, and Elysian Hold, all crafted using Minecraft's Creative mode. Considering the enormous scale of some longstanding player creations, it would not be surprising if, in the future, someone undertakes the ambitious task of recreating the entire Azeroth in Minecraft. World of Warcraft is currently available on PC.

World of Warcraft

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment - Genre: MMORPG

As a devoted fan of World of Warcraft, I am enthralled by its immersive and expansive virtual world. The game's rich lore, stunning graphics, and captivating gameplay keep me engaged for hours on end. I appreciate the plethora of challenging quests, dungeons, and raids that cater to both solo and group play, fostering a vibrant and supportive community. The constant updates and expansions inject fresh content, ensuring that there is always something new to explore. The well-developed classes and races allow for endless character customization, enabling players to truly make their mark on Azeroth. World of Warcraft remains a masterpiece, consistently delivering unforgettable experiences and cementing its status as a legendary MMORPG.