Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse takes the franchise to new heights with its groundbreaking storyline The film's connections to the MCU are more significant than ever, featuring references to Earth 199999 and the branching timeline Donald Glover's cameo also confirms the arrival of MCU's Miles Morales, leaving fans excited for what's to come

The highly anticipated sequel to the Academy Award-winning animated superhero feature, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, has finally arrived with equal parts ambition, emotion, and creativity as its predecessor. Titled Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, the film continues to delve into the stories of the beloved characters Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy, while also introducing new variations of Spider-Man and their respective universes. Please note, spoilers ahead.

Miguel O'Hara's line about Earth 199999

Furthermore, this sequel expands its universe by incorporating connections to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, demonstrating its ability to coexist alongside the popular franchise. Several MCU references are cleverly woven into the film's narrative, adding an extra layer of depth for fans of both series to enjoy.

Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Introducing Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099 and voiced by Oscar Isaac. He brings a fresh element to the series as a no-nonsense hero of Mexican and Irish heritage. As the leader of the Spider-Society, a group comprised of various Spider-People from alternate universes tasked with safeguarding the Multiverse, Miguel is a force to be reckoned with. His impressive strength and stamina are matched by his sleek spidey suit, which has earned him the playful nickname of "ninja vampire" from Gwen.

During the film's opening scene, Miguel meets Gwen on Earth-65 while they both battle Vulture inside the Guggenheim Museum. Miguel takes the opportunity to explain to Gwen how her actions in the first film caused a major disruption in the multiverse. He mentions how villains were forced to shift to other dimensions outside their own, leaving a big hole in the fabric of the multiverse. Miguel then alludes to Doctor Strange and his meddling with the timeline, referencing the events from Spider-Man: No Way Home. Miguel understands the gravity of his role in ensuring that every Spider-Man stays in their respective timeline to prevent any further disruptions that could lead to catastrophic consequences.

The MCU's branching timeline makes an appearance

Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Miles's introduction to the Spider-Society is a pivotal moment in the film, where he meets multiple versions of Spider-Man and Spider-Woman. In a visually stunning scene, Miguel shows Miles a branching timeline that depicts each Spider-Man losing a loved one, including Miles's own loss of Uncle Aaron. The inclusion of Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker from The Amazing Spider-Man and Tobey Maguire's iteration from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, both of whom appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home alongside Tom Holland, further emphasizes the film's attempt to unite all the Spider-Man characters and explore the concept of the multiverse.

Donald Glover's cameo confirms MCU's Miles Morales

Miguel's intention in presenting the timeline to Miles was to demonstrate that every Spider-Man has to undergo their own unique journey, even if it means losing a loved one while pursuing their heroic goals. However, Miles is not convinced and becomes agitated upon discovering that his own father is destined to perish, forcing him to make a difficult choice: follow the Spider-Society or carve his own path.

Donald Glover surprises fans with a cameo appearance as an alternate version of Aaron Davis, also known as Prowler, who was first introduced in Spider-Man: Homecoming. In one scene, Miles is introduced to the Spider Society and notices several villains and characters locked in red laser cages. These anomalies include Mysterio, Typeface, a rhino, and even some familiar video game characters that Gwen, Spider-Punk, and other Spidey heroes had encountered in different universes.

Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Glover's appearance as Prowler in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is brief, but intriguing. Dressed in a cool, Black Panther-like outfit with claws, Prowler catches Miles' gaze and politely reminds him that "it's rude to stare." While Glover's previous involvement with the Spider-Man franchise was limited to voicing Miles Morales in an animated series and playing Aaron Davis in Spider-Man: Homecoming, his cameo in Into The Spider-Verse may hint at future plans to portray Prowler in a live-action film centered around Miles Morales, which Sony is currently developing.

All the elements of the Spider-Man universe are expertly woven together in this animated series, from references to the MCU and the multiverse to the different iterations of Spider-Man and his iconic villains. The result is a larger, more immersive world that offers a glimpse into the diverse community of heroes that Spider-Man belongs to. These heroes must navigate the challenges of balancing their personal lives with their heroic duties, often facing insurmountable obstacles along the way. Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse holds the fate of these beloved characters and could potentially pave the way for exciting new directions in the franchise's future.

Mind-Blowing Marvel Connections Revealed in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse is in theaters now.