Mastering Zero G Combat: Strategies to Overcome Mutant Menace

Mastering Zero G Combat: Strategies to Overcome Mutant Menace

Master the Zero G Mutants: Effective Ways to Eliminate Them in System Shock

System Shock is teeming with a variety of formidable foes, ranging from heavily-armored cyborgs to grotesque mutants and other unsavory creatures. The Hacker must remain vigilant in every nook and cranny of Citadel Station, as danger lurks around every corner.

Given the limited resources available, players must exercise caution and judiciousness when engaging in combat with any enemy in System Shock. This is especially crucial once players reach the second level of the game and encounter Zero G Mutants - floating, sphere-shaped monsters with surprisingly resilient defenses. To minimize the depletion of valuable resources, here are some effective strategies for taking them down.

System Shock – How to Kill Zero G Mutants

Mastering Zero G Combat: Strategies to Overcome Mutant Menace

Zero G Mutants may not pose a significant threat from afar, but up close they can cause considerable pain. What makes them particularly frustrating to deal with is their exceptional ability to withstand damage. They can take a substantial number of bullets before finally succumbing, which is why the most effective way to tackle them is by utilizing Gas Grenades.

Players will encounter Zero G Mutants as early as the Research level of Citadel Station, which is still relatively early on in System Shock's campaign. While other enemies in the initial areas can be taken down with conventional melee attacks or munitions, Gas Grenades are the preferred option for dealing with Zero G Mutants. Although monster meatball encounters are not particularly frequent early on, players should have an adequate supply of grenades to handle them when they do appear.

Mastering Zero G Combat: Strategies to Overcome Mutant Menace

For players who don't have Gas Grenades at their disposal, the SPARQ Beam pistol serves as a reliable alternative against Zero G Mutants. By setting the pistol to maximum output and firing away, players can inflict considerable damage on the mutants, making them more susceptible to follow-up shots from the Minipistol. While this may not guarantee an instant kill, it does provide a feasible strategy for players to take down these formidable foes.

Teflon-Coated Rounds are a powerful option when facing Zero G Mutants, dealing more damage than regular rounds. While typically reserved for armored enemies, the toughness of the mutants justifies their usage. However, these rounds are not as common as regular bullets, so it's important to use them sparingly. Alternatively, players can rely on the shotgun with Dragon's Breath ammo to take down the mutants more easily. And if using weapons is not an option, the Laser Rapier is a viable alternative, though it does come with the risk of taking damage.

System Shock is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.