Mastering System Security: The Ultimate Guide to Lowering Security Levels

Mastering System Security: The Ultimate Guide to Lowering Security Levels

Learn how to outsmart the diabolical AI SHODAN in System Shock by reducing each floor's security level Discover the power of taking control and defeating the game's toughest challenges

Nightdive Studios' remake of System Shock can be best described as "claustrophobic," with the game's world taking place entirely on the UNN Von Braun - a ship that prioritizes efficiency over human comfort. The limited space is not just a challenge for the player, as the ship is also inhabited by mutants and malfunctioning robots. However, the true threat lies in SHODAN, one of gaming's most influential AI characters, who has complete control over the ship's functions and will stop at nothing to thwart the player's progress. Fortunately, System Shock provides players with the necessary tools to combat SHODAN's power, including the ability to lower each floor's security level.

What the Security Level Does

Mastering System Security: The Ultimate Guide to Lowering Security Levels

The security level is assigned as a distinctive percentage value for each floor, commencing at 100% by default, and can be decreased by specific player actions. One can monitor the current percentage at any time by accessing the map, where it's indicated at the top right corner.

Lowering the security value serves several purposes, including a critical requirement in System Shock's endgame that necessitates reducing the security level on all floors. However, the most urgent reason is that some sections of the map are inaccessible unless the security level percentage is sufficiently low.

How to Lower the Security Level

There are two ways to lower the security level, one easy and one hard. Unfortunately, this is not an either/or situation, the player will eventually need to do both.

To disable the security measures, players can take either an easy or hard approach. The first option involves eliminating the security cameras scattered throughout the facility. While they may be difficult to locate, players can listen for the occasional high-pitched beeping or check the map screen for their icons. Alternatively, players can opt for the hard method of targeting the CPU nodes, which are more crucial to SHODAN and therefore better guarded. These green glowing modules may be located in hard-to-reach areas or protected by an ambush, making it essential for players to prepare themselves before attempting this challenging task in System Shock.

System Shock is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.