Mastering Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Navigating Level 8-3 for 100% Completion

Dive into the challenges of Level 8-3 in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, where a new adversary awaits your skills. Discover the strategies and tips to conquer this level with all presents collected.
In Mario vs. Donkey** Kong**, players will encounter various enemies and creatures throughout the game. These enemies are strategically placed in each level and play a key role in solving puzzles. In Level 8-3, players will come across yellow robots with chains attached to their lower backs that cannot be ignored if they want to progress.
Similar to the Monchee enemy, players can use the long tail-like parts of these robots to reach certain locations. However, these robots introduce a new gameplay element that may be challenging for some players to figure out initially, making it harder to complete the level. Luckily, this article will provide guidance on how players can successfully navigate Level 8-3 in Mario vs. Donkey** Kong** and collect all the items.
Area 1
first area layout level 8-3 - Level 8-3 introduces players to yellow robots, which they will have to face multiple times in this world
Level 8-3 introduces players to yellow robots that will appear multiple times in this world. These robots have a big chain attached to them. Players can grab onto these chains to reach different locations. If they hold onto one chain with one hand and another chain with the other hand, it will stop the robot from moving - this is crucial for solving the puzzle in this level.
How to Get the Red Present
To obtain the red gift on Level 8-3, players can easily acquire it by jumping onto it. They have the option to reach it by performing a Handstand Jump or a Backflip. Additionally, they can utilize the red blocks to reach greater heights.
How to Get the Key
When players begin the level, the robots are not positioned to reach the key. The goal is to move the robot on the right past the red blocks while keeping the robot on the left in place. Since both robots move simultaneously, players need to stop one robot to change its movement pattern.
To achieve this, gamers should jump on the spring to access the chains and grab onto the robot's chain while holding the metal chain. They must hold it long enough to ensure the robots move in opposite directions continuously. Next, they need to press the blue switch before the right robot reaches the red blocks, allowing it to pass through. Then, they should press the red switch to raise the barrier and prevent the left robot from crossing. Now, players can safely use the robots and chains to reach the key and unlock the door.
Area 2
layout of area 2 level 8-3 - Gamers will see a red laser right in front of them as soon as they enter the second area of Level 8-3
Gamers entering the second area of Level 8-3 will encounter a red laser right in front of them. They should hold onto the wire to avoid the laser, but they need to be careful with the timing as an electrical charge may pass through the wire, requiring them to drop down.
Next, they will need to jump onto the next wire and swing around it in order to jump to the platform above. A yellow laser will be their next obstacle. To dodge it, they should crouch down just before it turns on to prevent Mario from getting hit. Finally, they must jump onto the spring to reach the platform above.
To get the Yellow Present in Mario vs. Donkey** Kong**, players need to first navigate across the moving platform. During this challenge, lasers will be continuously activated, and players must skillfully avoid them. It is important to remember that the lasers will go off in a specific order: red, blue, and then yellow.
Once players reach the far right, they need to climb the platforms to get to the yellow Present. Make sure to grab the yellow gift before activating the blue switch.
After getting the Present, players should activate the button underneath to change the direction of the moving platforms. Then, press the blue switch and head back down.
How to Obtain the Blue Present
Gamers need to ride the moving platform in the opposite direction. When they reach the far left, they should jump onto the wire and repeat the process to reach the blue Present.
reaching the blue gift using wire
How to Get the Mini Mario Toy
Afterward, all they have to do to complete Level 8-3 is jump to the right and grab the Mini Mario Toy. Players will then be able to move on to the next level in World 8.
Editor's P/S:
The article provides a comprehensive walkthrough of Level 8-3 in Mario vs. Donkey** Kong**, offering detailed instructions on how to overcome the challenges and collect all the items. The clear and concise explanations, along with the inclusion of helpful images, make it easy for players to follow along and progress through the level. The article also introduces new gameplay elements that may be challenging for some players, making it an engaging and informative read.
Overall, the article effectively guides players through Level 8-3, providing them with the knowledge and strategies needed to complete the level successfully. The well-structured format and detailed explanations make it a valuable resource for players looking to enhance their gaming experience in Mario vs. Donkey** Kong**.