Master the Undying Forces: A Comprehensive Diablo 4 Season Journey Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Master the Undying Forces: A Comprehensive Diablo 4 Season Journey Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Conquer Diablo 4's Season of Blood with our expert guide! Discover the secrets of the Summons of the Deathless quest as we help you complete Chapter 1 of the Season Journey Unleash your true power in this epic walkthrough

Diablo 4: Summons of the Deathless Guide

The Summons of the Deathless is a quest within Diablo 4's Season of Blood questline. Its objective is to complete Chapter 1 of the Season Journey. For those who participated in the Season of the Malignant, the approach to this task should be quite familiar. However, for players new to seasonal content, it may be slightly confusing. This guide is specifically designed to assist this second group of players in successfully completing Chapter 1 of the Season Journey and resolving the Summons of the Deathless quest in Diablo 4.

To complete the Summons of the Deathless quest in Diablo 4, players should focus on the Season Journey. This collection of tasks provides direction and rewards Battle Pass progress. To access the task list, players can open their maps, select the Season tab, and click on Season Journey under the Season of Blood heading. There are eight objectives to complete in Chapter 1. For now, players should concentrate on completing six objectives, which involve salvaging items, completing Dungeons, and more. By completing Chapter 1 of the Season Journey, players will successfully resolve the Summons of the Deathless quest and can then continue working through the Season of Blood's questline.

Master the Undying Forces: A Comprehensive Diablo 4 Season Journey Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Note that in Chapter 1 of the Season Journey, players are required to complete six out of the eight objectives. However, it is still advisable to address the remaining two objectives. This is because each task completed in the Season Journey rewards Favor, which contributes to the progress of Diablo 4's seasonal Battle Pass. While there are other ways to earn Favor, players aiming for the top tiers of the Season of Blood Battle Pass should actively pursue these objectives.

The Battle Pass for Diablo 4's Season of Blood consists of 90 Tiers, with each tier offering cosmetic items, emotes, or currency as rewards. These rewards can be accessed and viewed in the Season menu, along with the Season Journey. Players who purchase the Premium Battle Pass will have the chance to unlock all of these rewards. However, it's important to note that fans are not required to go Premium, as there are also 25 rewards available for free on the Battle Pass's track. Diablo 4 is playable on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
