Master the Galaxies: Unleashing Starfield's Ultimate Walkthrough

Master the Galaxies: Unleashing Starfield's Ultimate Walkthrough

The bartender at Gagarin Landing has a challenge - she wants to impress her elite clientele with top-notch drinks Join her quest to procure the finest booze in the galaxy and elevate her status

In addition to New Atlantis, there is another significant settlement called Gagarin in the Alpha Centauri system of Starfield. Despite the recent colony war affecting Gagarin Landing, a city on this planet, local business owners are working hard to keep their community thriving.

One of these businesses is Lizzy's Bar, which is owned and operated by Lizzy Ajello. Located west of the Gagarin statue, this open-air bar is easily identifiable at night due to its red lights, attracting Starfield players. Lizzy is in need of a specific type of alcohol to serve to some corporate executives, but unfortunately, she cannot find the desired bottles anywhere on the planet.

How to Start Sure Bet

Master the Galaxies: Unleashing Starfield's Ultimate Walkthrough

Players can learn about Lizzy's requirements while passing a guard in Gagarin Landing. Alternatively, they can directly approach Lizzy and inquire about any tasks she needs assistance with.

Lizzy's primary concern revolves around a group of affluent individuals who recently arrived in the city. She desires to profit from them, but they have extremely high expectations that she cannot fulfill. However, Lizzy has received information about an abandoned spacecraft in the vicinity that may contain the type of alcohol she requires. This vessel, known as the Deimos armored transport, currently remains in orbit around Grissom, one of the moons encircling the planet Bondar.

When players travel to the ship, several Crimson Fleet vessels will attack. Fend them off, then approach within 500 feet of the transport to dock.

Where to Find Lizzy's Liquor

Master the Galaxies: Unleashing Starfield's Ultimate Walkthrough

Navigating through the armored transport can be quite challenging due to its distinct layout and peculiar conditions. It is crucial for players to bear in mind that the ship is teeming with Crimson Fleet pirates. Moreover, it is worth noting that the game determines the enemy levels based on the player's level rather than the level of Alpha Centauri.

The ship has a unique condition where its artificial gravity is not functioning properly. Approximately every 30 seconds, the ship experiences a malfunction, resulting in most of the lights turning off and gravity ceasing to work. During the subsequent 30 seconds, players are required to navigate using zero-G controls. This can pose challenges in combat as players may struggle to find cover and the accuracy of most guns decreases while not being on stable ground.

To begin, players should proceed up the staircase directly ahead. One of the offices on the upper floor contains a distinctive magazine named "Vanguard Space Tactics 04." This magazine permanently enhances ship missile damage by 5 percent.

Proceed down the sole accessible route and be on the lookout for a closed and immovable large white door in one of the forthcoming rooms. Take note of this door, but continue progressing. Eventually, reach an out-of-order elevator with a broken roof hatch that can be opened. Wait for gravity to cease working and soar upwards by two floors.

Follow the path further until you eventually stumble upon a computer next to a red door. Utilize this computer to unlock the door, allowing access to the elevator shaft. Although this shortcut is advantageous, opt for the alternative path to move ahead.

Players will eventually come across a rotating cylinder. While it is possible to navigate through the cylinder while it's in motion, it is much simpler to wait for the power and gravity to cease and then pass through it. Descending to the next level, players will discover another computer that unlocks the large white door encountered earlier in the area. It is now necessary for players to return to the door, which is why the earlier shortcut proves to be so advantageous.

Upon entering the door, players will need to ascend a lengthy shaft. While players can make use of the failing gravity to ascend, a powerful boost pack will suffice to reach the top. At the pinnacle of this room, there are three substantial doors, with the central one containing a military crate containing Bogdonov's Boutique Liquor (Box Set), an item that Lizzy desires. Moreover, players who possess the skill to pick Master locks can also open the left door to acquire random weapon loot.

With the box in hand, players can return to Lizzy to get a reward of 75 XP and a large pile of credits.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.