Master the Art of Defense in Street Fighter 6

Master the Art of Defense in Street Fighter 6

Discover the essential techniques to become an unbeatable Street Fighter 6 player Learn how to block effectively, escape throws, and block drive impacts with ease Master these skills and dominate the competition

In Street Fighter 6, mastering defensive tactics is just as essential as having a strong offense. While the popular saying may suggest otherwise, neglecting defense can prove to be a costly mistake. Players must familiarize themselves with blocking, countering, and parrying in order to succeed against skilled opponents. Fortunately, the basics of blocking are easy to learn, and with some practice, players can perfect their timing. The Fighting Grounds provide a valuable platform to sharpen defensive skills, or players can refer to a comprehensive guide on blocking and countering in Street Fighter 6.

How to Block in Street Fighter 6

Master the Art of Defense in Street Fighter 6

How to Escape Throws in Street Fighter 6

To successfully defend in Street Fighter 6, players must hold the left analog stick in the opposite direction of their opponent's attack. However, it is important to note that this defense mechanism only protects against upper-body attacks, therefore, players need to master crouching blocks as well. Crouching blocks are similar to regular blocks and can be performed by holding the left analog stick diagonally down and away from the direction of the incoming attack.

Master the Art of Defense in Street Fighter 6

Escaping throws in Street Fighter 6 can be a game-changer, and there are different methods to do so. The easiest way is to perform a throw escape by pressing Square and X (PlayStation) or X and A (Xbox) immediately after the opponent initiates the throw. However, the timing is crucial, and players must pay close attention to the opponent's movements. Another option is to perform a counter move, but it requires precise timing, and players must be quick to react.

How to Block Drive Impacts

Master the Art of Defense in Street Fighter 6

When facing Drive Impacts in Street Fighter 6, regular blocks won't be enough to stop them due to their increased power. Instead, players should utilize a Drive Parry technique by pressing specific buttons depending on the control type being used. However, it's important to note that this move leaves players open to throws and can only be used a limited number of times, so it's crucial to use it strategically and not rely on it excessively. Street Fighter 6 can be played on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.