Mass Effect 4: Unleashing the Extraordinary with an Alien Protagonist

Mass Effect 4: Unleashing the Extraordinary with an Alien Protagonist

Mass Effect 4 has the perfect chance to revolutionize the series by introducing an alien protagonist, offering players a fresh and immersive perspective in the beloved sci-fi universe


Mass Effect 4 has the potential to deliver a unique and valuable gaming experience by innovating, expanding, and polishing the Mass Effect formula.

The addition of a playable alien protagonist in Mass Effect 4 has the potential to enrich the game's lore, introduce distinct RPG features, and enhance its replayability.

Not much information has been revealed about Mass Effect 4, but the upcoming game holds great potential. BioWare's next sci-fi RPG has a significant challenge ahead as it aims to restore the series' reputation, which was damaged by the poor reception of Mass Effect: Andromeda. However, there are opportunities for innovation, expansion, and refinement of the Mass Effect formula, resulting in a unique and valuable gaming experience. The success of 2021's Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is evidence that many gamers still hold the franchise in high esteem.

The trilogy's beloved status can be attributed to its thoughtful science-fiction world-building, well-crafted characters, satisfying combat, and iconic atmosphere. However, since the last game in the original trilogy was released in 2012, before the advent of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the games are limited by older hardware and the gaming conventions of that era. Mass Effect 4 has the potential to update and build upon the foundations laid by its predecessors, not just through the use of newer technology, but also by incorporating fresh, creative ideas into its design, features, and narrative.

Why Mass Effect 4 Would Benefit from Featuring an Alien Protagonist

Mass Effect 4: Unleashing the Extraordinary with an Alien Protagonist

All four Mass Effect games revolved around a human protagonist, which made it easier for players to connect with the character. However, one of the remarkable achievements of Mass Effect is its ability to make players deeply care about alien characters, who are vastly different from humans. These alien races possess rich lore and distinct characteristics, making them ideal candidates for new player characters.

Rather than relegating Mass Effect aliens to the role of companions, Mass Effect 4 could enhance their lore by allowing players to step into their shoes. Choosing which alien race to make playable would be a crucial decision, but BioWare can draw inspiration from their successful approach in the Dragon Age series. In Dragon Age, players can select from a limited yet diverse range of fantasy races, each offering unique traits that do not significantly impact the overall story. Recent RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 have also demonstrated the potential of incorporating different playable races, where non-human protagonists have their own distinct attributes and a small selection of exclusive dialogue options. This addition would introduce unique RPG elements and replay value without imposing excessive constraints.

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While Mass Effect 4 can take inspiration from Baldur's Gate 3 and other RPGs featuring playable non-human races, it should establish its own distinct approach to a playable alien protagonist. Fortunately, the Mass Effect universe presents an ideal foundation for this endeavor. The inclusion of non-human races could potentially enhance or even replace the existing Mass Effect class system, with Asari serving as suitable options for biotic "mages," Krogans embodying a tank-like build, Salarians fulfilling support roles, and so forth. As a result, the inclusion of playable alien races could significantly broaden the gameplay and RPG elements of the game. To avoid narrative complications, Mass Effect 4 could restrict players to selecting an allied alien race, one that collaborates with other races within the overarching story of the game.

Mass Effect 4's narrative and world-building could present a significant leap forward for the franchise, ushering in new concepts and weaving an intellectually stimulating and innovative story. Moving away from the human perspective could be a pivotal aspect of achieving this. While Mass Effect's stories have consistently provoked thought, they have hitherto remained grounded in the familiar due to the human protagonist. Consequently, enabling players to assume the role of an alien could result in unparalleled narrative content, as well as a plethora of diverse gameplay opportunities.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.