Advanced Marketing

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Steps in the framework of one to one marketing

In marketing, the concept of one to one marketing is considered ideal. This is because it allows for more personalized experience for the customer, giving them a better chance of being able to identif...

Marketing tips for photography business

Photography is a growing, and profitable, industry. In order to become successful in it, photographers need to focus on marketing their business rather than just the photography itself. This article w...

What is Piggyback Marketing? Advantages & Disadvantages

Marketing is all about getting the attention of your target audience. There are many different ways to do that, from advertising, to giveaways and promotions. One type of promotion is quite different,...

Advantages & Disadvantages of rural marketing

There is a lot of discussion about the best way to market a business, and it can be hard to decide what to do. One option that many people overlook is rural marketing. This article will help you learn...

What is Rural Marketing? Definition & Features

Marketing is a well-known principle of business that offers the opportunity to promote your product or service to potential customers. In this article, we'll break down the basics of rural marketing.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Sport Marketing

Sport marketing is a very competitive industry and in order to succeed, it helps for marketers to keep track of the many different aspects that come into play. Let's take a closer look at the advantag...

What is Sports Marketing? Major types of Sport Marketing

Do you want to know more about the different types of sports marketing? Find out in this blog article what is Sports Marketing and how it can help your business.

Understanding tatical marketing: Tatical Marketing vs Strategic Marketing

In this blog article, we will explore the difference between tactical marketing and strategic marketing. One is designed for short-term gains and the other is designed for long-term success.

What is Test Marketing? Pros & Cons, Types of Test Marketing

In this article, you'll learn about the different types of test marketing and the pros and cons of each one. You'll also find out how to successfully test market a product before releasing it for gene...

Some useful tips to build better Trade Show Marketing Campaigns

Ready to learn how to take your trade show success to the next level? In this article, we'll discuss some of the tips that will help you ace your presentation and maximize your leads. Let's dive in wi...