Advanced Marketing

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What are brand attributes? Important attributes that a brand should have

It is important for students to understand the different attributes of brands. This blog post provides the definition of Brand Attributes as well as some insight into why they're important for busines...

What is market cannibalization? Major types of market cannibalization

Market cannibalization is one of the most common mistakes that marketers make. This blog post includes information about what market cannibalization is and how it can affect companies negatively. It a...

What is brand extension? Types of brand extension - Advantages & Disadvantages

In today's society, many companies have been extending their brands to other products or services. It provides a way to maximize marketing dollars by leveraging what you already have in place for your...

What is Sustainable Marketing? Definition & Principles

Sustainable marketing is the “next big thing” in the marketing world. It’s not just about taking care of Mother Earth, it also has a significant impact on your bottom line. There are many ways to inco...

What is Global Marketing Environment? Elements & Examples

The global marketing environment is a complex system that can be difficult to understand. In this blog post, we will explore the elements of the global marketing environment and explain how they work...

What is call-to-action? How to write a good CTA?

You're reading this post because you want to learn how to write a good call-to-action in Copywriting. I'm here to tell you that it's not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. With these five si...

What is brand dilution? How to avoid brand dilution?

Brand dilution is a major issue for many companies. It's important to understand the concept and how it might be affecting your company. In this blog post, we'll examine the definition, causes of bran...

What is Billboard Advertising? Popular types of billboards

Did you know that more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas? This is why billboards are so important for advertising. They're a great way to reach people who live in dense populati...

What is PAS? How to use PAS framework (model) in Copywriting?

The PAS framework is a popular model in copywriting that helps you understand how each part of the message affects the reader. This article will provide you a quick introduction to this framework (mod...

What is AIDA? How to use AIDA framework (model) in Copywriting

The AIDA framework is a copywriting model that has been around for more than 100 years. It is an excellent tool for copywriters to use in writing. This article will also cover the definition & history...