Luis Rubiales: Alvaro Morata lashes out at FA president after surprising Jenni Hermoso controversy - Exclusive!

Luis Rubiales: Alvaro Morata lashes out at FA president after surprising Jenni Hermoso controversy - Exclusive!

Spain captain Alvaro Morata condemns FA president Luis Rubiales for his inappropriate behavior of kissing player Jenni Hermoso during the World Cup final presentation ceremony Morata criticizes Rubiales' actions as unacceptable on behalf of the men's team

Spain's men's team captain, Alvaro Morata, has condemned the FA president, Luis Rubiales, for his inappropriate conduct following the Women's World Cup victory 15 days ago. In a press conference held unexpectedly on Monday, Morata, along with senior captains Marco Asensio, Cesar Azpilicueta, and Rodri, read out a statement on behalf of the team, which was subsequently published on the Spanish Football Federation website.

"We firmly stand against the unacceptable behavior exhibited by Mr. Rubiales, as it does not align with the standards we uphold for the institution he represents. We unwaveringly support the values epitomized by this sport."

Spanish football should serve as a catalyst for promoting respect, inspiration, inclusion, and diversity. It should set a noteworthy example through its conduct both on and off the field. Additionally, Morata conveyed his support for those players whose accomplishments have been compromised.

The TAD in Spain initiated a case against Rubiales for "serious misconduct." Despite widespread criticism both within Spain and internationally, the 46-year-old has thus far declined to step down from his role.

Hermoso, along with her 22 teammates, has announced her refusal to participate in the national team until Rubiales resigns.

In light of an ongoing investigation, FIFA has imposed a three-month suspension on Rubiales, barring him from all football-related activities.

FA president issues fresh defence

Last Friday witnessed Rubiales delivering a renewed justification for his actions during the medal ceremony of the Women's World Cup final.

Amidst mounting pressure from the Spanish football federation for his resignation, Rubiales released a statement.

In his statement, he expressed, "The extraordinary moment filled with excitement and joy prompted us to engage in a mutually agreed and spontaneous action, fueled by great enthusiasm. Throughout, there was no sign of aggression or even the slightest hint of discomfort, but rather an overwhelming sense of joy shared by both parties."

"I reiterate that during the medals delivery ceremony, there was consent from both parties, demonstrated through affectionate hugs and heartfelt farewell gestures.

Additionally, I have noticed an increase in support from the public, both in person and on social media."

Rubiales' statement in full

Luis Rubiales: Alvaro Morata lashes out at FA president after surprising Jenni Hermoso controversy - Exclusive!


Last Friday, Rubiales issued a fresh defence of his actions

I deeply regret the obvious mistakes I made on August 20th. I understand the importance of taking responsibility for my actions, and I have sincerely apologized for these errors. I believe that it is essential for sports leaders, even in moments of great joy and emotions like winning the World Cup, to display exemplary behavior. Unfortunately, I failed to do so in this instance.

Therefore, I sincerely apologize once again to the footballers, the federation, and other football entities in a clear and unequivocal manner. I would also like to extend my apologies to the football fans and anyone who may have been offended by my actions. Furthermore, I have provided detailed explanations, speaking honestly about what occurred. This is the only account I have upheld since the beginning, and I will steadfastly defend it without any intention of variation.

The historic moment filled us with spontaneity and happiness, prompting us to engage in a mutual and consensual act fueled by great enthusiasm. Throughout the entire experience, there was no hint of aggression or discomfort; rather, both parties exuded an abundance of joy.

To reiterate, both parties consented wholeheartedly, embracing each other affectionately and sharing a kiss before parting ways. These heartfelt gestures of affection took place during the medal ceremony on stage.

Evidence, expert reports, documentation, and videos have already been provided and will be continually supplied. These pieces of evidence serve to substantiate the actuality of the events and are supported by irrefutable facts, not personal opinions.

Right from the start, the RFEF, with the involvement of its integrity department, initiated necessary procedures. Personally, I received a call and actively cooperated to shed light on the matter. As the party with the greatest stake, I am fully committed to providing assistance in every aspect until its resolution.

"In line with this, I have actively engaged in the procedure initiated by FIFA to advocate for my stance. Furthermore, I will persist in doing so in any other proceedings where I can present evidence of my integrity.

It deeply troubles me that certain individuals, who are entrusted with upholding the principle of the separation of powers in our nation, persist in interfering and exerting pressure on me instead of allowing the judicial system to operate independently, with full assurance and free from their influence."

During this period, I have endured an unparalleled political and media persecution, keeping myself completely detached from it. This has not only happened nationally but has also reached a global scale. However, amidst this situation, I have also experienced an increasing wave of support from both individuals on the street and social media users.

I sense a shift in the air, as ordinary citizens, regardless of gender, are uniting against this unjust and baseless condemnation from the public. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you.

I deeply appreciate your unwavering and invaluable support, your unwavering belief in me, and your refusal to be swayed by this concocted smear campaign. The overwhelming public support further solidifies my conviction that this matter has been blown out of proportion and distorted for ulterior motives.

Despite the relentless political pressure and biased media agenda, I maintain my trust in the impartiality of the institutions responsible for resolving this matter.

The information concerning this matter is currently undergoing numerous manipulations, lies, and censorship. However, it is important to note that the truth always prevails. Consequently, I firmly believe that justice will ultimately be served.

Today, the administrative court, also known as the TAD, has taken the decision to initiate a case against me. The resolution put forth by this body indicates that no actions can be deemed extremely grave, thereby prohibiting the interim suspension imposed by the CSD Board of Directors.

"I will persist in my defense to substantiate the truth. My intention is to convey a message to all the honorable individuals within our nation and across borders, particularly to those women who have genuinely endured abuse and hold my complete support and empathy. Let it be understood that this matter transcends gender; it is fundamentally about unveiling the genuine facts.

Under the banner of Feminism, let us not embark on a campaign to discredit an individual, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, without the fair examination of evidence. True equality entails affording everyone identical rights. The dispensation of justice must be impartial, impervious to the influence of gender in its outcome."

Spanish minister: Damage done to our sport and our country

Simultaneously, a legal panel appointed by the Spanish government to handle sports matters has initiated formal proceedings against Rubiales. Spain seeks to oust him through an autonomous procedure, distinct from the ongoing FIFA investigation that has temporarily suspended him.

The government panel will determine whether he misused his authority by kissing Hermoso or caused harm to Spain's image and reputation at a sporting event, as alleged by the government.

A two-year suspension from office is a possible consequence.

"When the eyes of the world were on our players, his acts caused damage to our sport and our country that is difficult to repair," said Miquel Iceta, Spain's acting minister of culture and sport.