Love Is Blind: Understanding How Clay Is Damaging His Connection with AD

Love Is Blind: Understanding How Clay Is Damaging His Connection with AD

Clay's actions are jeopardizing his relationship with AD on Love Is Blind. Dive into the reasons behind their strained bond.

Ever since Love Is Blind season 6 began, Clay Gravesande has been facing challenges in his relationship with Amber "AD" Desire. Initially, AD started things with Clay in the pods, but she was also dating another man, Matthew Duliba. Despite not being very interested in Clay at first, AD decided to focus on him after ending things with Matthew, leading to their engagement before leaving the pods.

Although AD and Clay's relationship hasn't been as dramatic as some others on Love Is Blind season 6, they have faced their share of obstacles, especially related to Clay's past. His family issues have been a hindrance, causing him to doubt if he is good enough for AD. Despite their loving nicknames for each other, their journey has been filled with twists, turns, and plenty of drama, with Clay being a major factor in their challenges.

Clay Talked About Cheating with AD

Instagram article posted by loveisblindnetflix

One of the most memorable moments between Clay and AD on Love Is Blind was when he opened up about his lack of positive examples of successful black marriages while growing up. He expressed his fears of disappointing AD and his efforts to be the best partner for her. Clay shared his personal struggles with his parents' divorce and the normalization of cheating within his family.

"I've never witnessed a stable black relationship where the man is faithful," Clay confessed to AD. He reflected on the lack of fidelity he observed in the black men in his life, including celebrities like Will Smith and Diddy. This lack of faithful examples had a profound impact on his views on relationships.

Clay Struggles With His Parents' Relationship

Clay Love Is Blind relaxing on a boat - Clay Struggles With His Parents' Relationship

Clay Love Is Blind relaxing on a boat - Clay Struggles With His Parents' Relationship

In Love Is Blind season 6, episode 10, Clay meets AD's mom. She asks about his thoughts on marriage and relationships. Clay mentions his parents' 24-year marriage, the challenges they faced, and how it impacted him growing up. He shares that he never sought therapy to address his childhood issues, which still affect his relationships. AD's mom advises Clay to overcome his past and forge his own path.

AD's mom is rooting for AD and Clay. Clay mentioned that he was trying to find ways to progress and better himself. After Clay stepped away for a moment, AD and her mother had a helpful conversation. Her mother pointed out that the issues Clay was concerned about were not his responsibility. She made sure to acknowledge Clay's feelings, making him feel understood and valued. Furthermore, she advised AD to walk away if Clay mistreated her.

Clay Isn’t Making Efforts To Heal

Clay Gravesande Love Is Blind season 6 smiling at camera with red flag and him and AD cuddling background - Clay Isn’t Making Efforts To Heal

Clay Gravesande Love Is Blind season 6 smiling at camera with red flag and him and AD cuddling background - Clay Isn’t Making Efforts To Heal

Clay openly discusses his fears, but he doesn't seem to be taking steps to overcome them. He shared stories about his dad's infidelity and even joked about his dad hitting on AD. However, Clay never mentioned what he was doing to work through these issues. Instead of focusing on healing, he has been giving AD signs that he may cheat on her, hinting that they won't get married in the Love Is Blind season 6 finale.

Love Is Blind season 6, episodes 1-11 are now streaming on Netflix, with new episodes released every Wednesday.

Source: Love Is Blind Netflix/Instagram

Editor's P/S:

Clay's past experiences and family issues have undoubtedly cast a shadow over his relationship with AD on "Love Is Blind." His admission about cheating and the lack of positive male role models in his life have raised concerns about his ability to commit to a faithful and fulfilling marriage. While it's understandable that past trauma can influence behavior, it's crucial for Clay to actively seek therapy and address his underlying issues if he wants to break the cycle and build a healthy relationship with AD.

Despite AD's mother's encouragement and Clay's expressed desire to improve, his lack of tangible steps towards healing is concerning. His jokes and hints about potential infidelity suggest that he may not be fully invested in the relationship or willing to do the necessary work to overcome his challenges. If Clay truly values AD and their future together, he needs to take proactive measures to address his past and demonstrate his commitment to building a lasting and trusting bond.