Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang

Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang

Loki's newfound time-slipping ability could hold the key to toppling Kang, making him a potential leader of the TVA

Article Key Points

Loki's time-slipping ability could be a crucial factor in the battle against Kang and the multiverse war, but it also poses a potential risk.

The full extent of Loki's time-slipping power and its limitations are not yet completely understood, but it appears to be influenced by personal connections and familiarity.

Loki's journey of redemption and his ability to manipulate time could have profound implications beyond his own narrative, potentially aiding other heroes and villains in rewriting their own stories for the greater good.

Loki's heroism shines brightly, presenting a potential solution to defeating Kang. However, his newfound ability to slip through time brings about a concerning predicament. Season 2 delves into Loki's transformative journey of rewriting his own narrative, freeing himself from past failures and preconceived destinies. As he seeks redemption, Loki forms meaningful connections with newfound allies.

The series appears to lay the groundwork for the unfolding multiverse conflict and the rise of Kang the Conqueror, an antagonist skilled in time travel. Loki's time-slipping power offers two distinct possibilities: it may lead to his alignment with the Avengers in their battle against Kang, or serve as a tempting invitation for him to revert to his former mischievous ways.

How Loki's Time-Slipping Could Be Used Against Kang

Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang

During the battle against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, Doctor Strange employed his sorcery to gain insight into the future in an effort to subtly guide their universe towards victory. Had there been an Avengers member capable of time-slipping, it's conceivable that the devastating blip and subsequent turmoil could have been averted. The same line of thinking can be applied to Loki's time manipulation and any ensuing confrontation against Kang or his alternate versions. In a worst-case scenario, Loki could prevent the impending multiverse war by undertaking an action he wouldn't have dared consider: traveling back in time and intercepting Sylvie before she kills He Who Remains. This act would likely halt the rise of Kang the Conqueror. However, the cost of sacrificing Sylvie, balanced against the potential consequences of a multiverse war, could prove too heavy a burden for Loki. Additionally, he would still need to contend with He Who Remains.

That being said, the specifics and limitations of time-slipping have not been fully explained. Clarification on the extent of time and multiverse travel is crucial. It is possible that Loki's ability to navigate through time is restricted to points with personal connections. Those connections could be individuals he knows or places he has already visited. This notion has been demonstrated in the second season of Loki. If this is indeed the case, Loki would need to experience an event firsthand in order to alter its course, or possess familiarity with a person to traverse their timeline.

Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang

In the second season of Loki, the battle against Kang reveals that rewriting the future doesn't necessarily require a direct confrontation. Through the strategic use of time-slipping, Loki can clandestinely alter the course of events. Something as seemingly insignificant as obtaining and utilizing the TVA book gifted to Victor Timely, before he developed his inventions, could have far-reaching ripple effects. An exhilarating and unpredictable showdown between two brilliant time travelers would ensue if they were to engage in a head-to-head conflict. While Loki's ability to time-slip may or may not confer an advantage against Kang, it certainly levels the playing field in the realm of time travel.

Loki Could Be The Next Leader Of The TVA

Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang

Loki's ability to manipulate time allows him to not only reshape his own narrative but also impact the stories of those around him. It remains uncertain whether his villainous aspirations have truly vanished. The recent display of heroic acts and change of heart by Loki may be ephemeral if the reason behind his pursuit of heroism is taken away. The TVA appears to be an entity too significant to collapse, and Loki will confront any threats to safeguard his newfound companions, possibly even assuming the role of a villain for their well-being.

"I derive no pleasure from causing harm. While I may find satisfaction in the illusion of power, true power lies in the understanding that one possesses the ability to inflict harm but deliberately chooses not to do so."

Loki's desire for power can be put to beneficial use if the TVA is in search of a new leader. Now that Loki comprehends the paradox of managing timelines and effectively tampering with individuals' destinies, he could be the ideal candidate to maintain a balance between these two responsibilities in order to stabilize the timeline. It is possible that the God of Mischief might finally be able to assert that he has rewritten his own narrative by assuming the role of the "God of Second Chances" as the next leader of the TVA, especially considering what occurred with Ravonna Renslayer.

"No one deemed bad is truly devoid of goodness, and likewise, no one considered good is purely virtuous."

Loki, despite his heroism, will always be viewed as a potential threat due to his past as a villain and the TVA's inability to control his time-slipping. It is both presumptuous and practical to acknowledge the possibility that Loki could become as dangerous as He Who Remains. His abilities to create illusions, manipulate minds and emotions, and time travel can either lead to disaster or unlock the potential for greatness, although they are all products of manipulation. This could be one reason why Loki should be a central character in the next Thor movie, considering Thor's descent into despair.

"I am aware of my identity as a trickster. I am neither a hero nor a villain. I embody something different."

Loki's newfound ability to travel through time can serve as a potential savior for the TVA and the sacred timeline. However, the real value lies in the potential of his redemption arc and this newfound power to extend beyond his personal journey. If Loki were to apply his abilities to assist other heroes or villains, it could become an ongoing gift within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Perhaps Scarlet Witch and the various versions of Loki in the Void could benefit from a visit by this purposeful incarnation of Loki, now known as the "God of Second Chances," as he helps them reshape their narratives for eternity.

Loki's Time-Slipping Ability: The Ultimate Weapon Against Kang


The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an expansive franchise encompassing both movies and television shows. It interconnects the narratives of various superheroes such as Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and many others. The franchise began with the release of its first film, Iron Man, in 2008. Over the years, the MCU has achieved both critical acclaim and immense financial success, grossing billions at the box office and becoming a significant cultural phenomenon.

Some of the noteworthy TV shows within the MCU include WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk.

Editor's P/S

Loki's time-slipping ability is a game-changer in the battle against Kang and the multiverse war. It gives him a unique advantage over Kang, who is also skilled in time travel. Loki's ability to form meaningful connections with others and his journey of redemption could be the key to defeating Kang.

However, Loki's time-slipping ability also poses a potential risk. If he uses it for selfish reasons, it could have devastating consequences. The cost of sacrificing Sylvie, balanced against the potential consequences of a multiverse war, could prove too heavy a burden for Loki. Additionally, he would still need to contend with He Who Remains.