King Charles Inquires About Natalie Portman's Role in Original Star Wars Films

King Charles Inquires About Natalie Portman's Role in Original Star Wars Films

King Charles surprisingly inquired if Natalie Portman had appeared in the original Star Wars films, unaware of her absence during their release

Natalie Portman remembered the time she met Prince Charles in 1999 at the age of 18. The now king of the British royal family asked her if she was in the original Star Wars movies. "I was 18 at the time, so I said 'No!' But he was very cordial," Portman shared on Watch What Happens Live, according to Variety.

Portman was born in 1981, which was four years after the original Star Wars movie debuted in 1977. She was cast by George Lucas as Padme Amidala for the prequel series that premiered in 1999 and spawned multiple sequels in the early 2000s.

Will Disney and Lucasfilm bring back Natalie Portman for a new Star Wars project? With the return of other iconic actors, the possibility remains open. Portman has expressed her willingness, stating "I'm open to it," although she has not been approached yet.

Padme's death in Revenge of the Sith could make her return more complicated, but in Hollywood, anything is possible.

In other news, while developing a Star Wars film, Taika Watiti approached Portman about appearing in the series, seemingly forgetting that she had already starred in a Star Wars trilogy.

Several Star Wars projects are currently in development, including upcoming movies directed by Waititi, Dave Filoni, and James Mangold. Additionally, Daisy Ridley will reprise her role as Rey in a new Star Wars film directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

Editor's P/S

As a devoted Star Wars fan, I find the anecdote about King Charles inquiring about Natalie Portman's involvement in the original Star Wars films both amusing and endearing. It highlights the enduring impact of the Star Wars franchise and the widespread recognition it has garnered over the years. Despite not being part of the original trilogy, Natalie Portman's portrayal of Padme Amidala in the prequels left a lasting impression on audiences, making it understandable why King Charles might have mistakenly assumed her presence in those earlier films.

The possibility of Natalie Portman returning to the Star Wars universe is an exciting prospect for fans. Her talent and charisma brought depth and complexity to the character of Padme, and her return would undoubtedly be met with enthusiasm. While the circumstances surrounding Padme's demise in Revenge of the Sith may pose a challenge, the creative minds behind Star Wars have consistently demonstrated their ability to craft compelling storylines that honor the franchise's rich history while also introducing new and captivating elements.