Justin Roiland Gag Returns in Post-Credits Scene of Rick & Morty Season 7 Episode 3
Discover the hilarious post-credits scene in Rick & Morty Season 7 Episode 3 as Mr Stabby pays homage to the legendary Larry King and brings back an iconic Justin Roiland gag A must-watch for fans!
Rick and Morty season 7 brings back a classic Justin Roiland-era joke with the character Mr. Stabby in a post-credits scene.
The inclusion of the Mr. Stabby gag demonstrates season 7's exploration of varied tones and its embrace of a more relaxed atmosphere. It's a welcome change to see Rick and Morty letting go of strict canon and continuity after several seasons.
In episode 3 of season 7 of Rick and Morty, a post-credits scene reintroduces a joke from Justin Roiland's tenure on the show, and surprisingly, it works very well. In the show's first six seasons, Roiland, who co-created the show, voiced both the main characters. However, in January 2023, Roiland faced charges of domestic battery and allegations of inappropriate behavior, which led to Adult Swim severing ties with him. As a result, the voice actors for Rick and Morty were recast in season 7. Despite this change, it is difficult to distinguish between Roiland's portrayal of the characters and the performances in season 7. In the season premiere, episode 1, Rick, Morty, and Mr. Poopybutthole were all recast, but the difference was hard to detect despite the significant alteration. While much discussion has centered around the replacements for Rick and Morty, another consequence of Roiland's departure has been largely overlooked. Roiland often voiced incidental characters in the show's improvisational episodes, and this return in episode 3 highlights that aspect.
Mr. Stabby’s Rick & Morty Post-Credits Interview Parodies The Late Larry King
In the post-credits stinger of Rick and Morty season 7, episode 3, "Air Force Wong," an interview takes place with Mr. Stabby, a television host with blade-like limbs who is portrayed as an alien. Mr. Stabby makes an appearance earlier in the episode during his ill-advised talk show. Although much conversation surrounding season 7 revolves around the new voice actors replacing Roiland, the character of Mr. Stabby exemplifies the type of absurd comedic persona that Roiland would typically portray in earlier episodes of the series. The post-credits scene features Mr. Stabby being interviewed by a late-night host who bears a resemblance to the late Larry King.
This stand-in for King challenges Mr. Stabby about his tendency to stab audience members, but Mr. Stabby dismisses the issue, asserting that any form of publicity, even negative, is beneficial. The scene possesses a surreal quality reminiscent of the Inter-Dimensional Cable episodes from the early seasons of Rick and Morty, as well as the earlier brief gag involving Mr. Stabby accidentally stabbing audience members on his talk show. Unlike the first post-credits scene of Rick and Morty season 7, which had some connection to the events of the preceding episode, Mr. Stabby's show and subsequent interview are purely bizarre, appearing as an inspired improvised joke.
Mr. Stabby Brings Back A Classic Justin Roiland Era Joke
In recent seasons, Rick and Morty have veered away from the random humor seen in the Inter-Dimensional Cable episodes. Instead, they focused more on character-based jokes. However, season 7 is determined to bring back the looser feel of those earlier seasons. The inclusion of the Mr. Stabby gag harkens back to the show's early days, when Roiland had more creative control. This demonstrates that Rick and Morty season 7 is willing to experiment with different tones. After several seasons of trying to maintain a consistent storyline, it is exciting to see Rick and Morty breaking free once again.