John Cena's Latest Film Receives a Disastrous 0% Rating on Rotten Tomatoes

John Cena's Latest Film Receives a Disastrous 0% Rating on Rotten Tomatoes

John Cena's latest movie, Freelance, fails to impress with a disappointing 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes This lackluster flick might be best left unseen, as it falls flat in delivering an engaging experience

John Cena's latest film, "Freelance," may not be worth watching, as it has received negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

The movie "Freelance," featuring Cena and Alison Brie, revolves around a storyline where Mason Pettis, a former special forces operative trapped in a dead-end desk job, reluctantly accepts a freelance assignment as a private security personnel for a washed-up journalist conducting an interview with a ruthless dictator. In the midst of their venture, a military coup ensues, disrupting their plans and forcing the unlikely trio to navigate the dangerous jungle and each other's company in order to survive and escape. Although the film has received 21 reviews thus far, it currently holds a discouraging critic rating of 0% on the website.

Freelance gains a 0% rating

Freelance has gained a Rotten Tomatoes accomplishment with a shocking 0% Critics Score. So far an Audience score has not be Released.

The failure of this action comedy marks Cena’s second critically-panned movie in a row, with Vacation Friends 2 also performing poorly.

The Hollywood Reporter criticizes Freelance, saying that it lacks the necessary skills and finesse to successfully translate the cherished daydream onto the big screen. Instead of providing an uplifting escape, the film is regarded as an enervating bore.

Collider points out that instead of focusing on the action or comedy, Freelance continuously revisits the laborious plot of the story, halting its progression.

IGN rates the movie slightly higher but criticizes it for its terrible digital effects, lackluster action, and underutilized cast.

According to Rodger Ebert, "Freelance" is overwhelmingly void of any romance, comedy, or action.

Freelance is now in cinemas.

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