James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

James Ward-Prowse, newly signed by West Ham from Southampton, shares his thoughts on David Beckham's influence and settling into his new life in east London Don't miss his debut against Chelsea, where he aims to break Beckham's free-kick goal record Live on Sky Sports Super Sunday at 430pm

In his farewell video from Southampton, a clip featured a young James Ward-Prowse expressing two career aspirations: obtaining a scholarship with the Saints and representing England. However, beyond these goals, he harbored another dream - to become none other than David Beckham himself.

"I emulated some of his hairstyles during my childhood," the midfielder shares with We. "I tried the mohawk and a short, even all-over cut."

The midfielder's longstanding connection with Beckham, particularly regarding free-kick-taking, has been widely acknowledged and discussed. However, their connection reached new heights when Ward-Prowse donned the No 7 jersey at his recent transfer to West Ham, after his £30m transfer from Southampton.

Given his enduring admiration for Beckham, it goes without saying that the 28-year-old has been donning that number for quite some time.

When inquired about his newfound squad number and its connection to his childhood idol, Ward-Prowse remarks, "It's a great chance for me to pay homage to him, as he was someone I idolized while playing in the backyard."

He had this certain way about him. Whenever his game aired on TV, I found myself immediately in the garden, striving to master it, yelling out 'Beckham'!

It was like the typical mom's call for dinner, but my determination to keep practicing surpassed it. Accidentally, I ended up breaking a couple of greenhouses in the process!

"But the effort has proven to be worthwhile - every time my mother reminds me of that, I proudly proclaim, 'observe how those actions have led me to where I am now'."

And observe his current position. Ward-Prowse is only one goal away from matching Beckham's record for the most free-kick goals in the history of the Premier League. The countless hours he invested in practicing in his parents' garden on the southern coast have finally yielded results.

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

The midfielder frequently reflects on how his career has come full circle. Take, for instance, the memory of his mother beckoning him inside from free-kick practice - that very moment now resembles him, as his toddler son Oscar embarks on his first steps into the world of youth football.

"He clearly observes his father up close, consistently engaging in the activity, and it is gratifying to witness his budding passion for the game," expresses a proud Ward Prowse Sr.

However, achieving parity with, and ultimately surpassing Beckham's record would represent the highest achievement and complete cycle within Ward-Prowse's life. Does this impose additional pressure on the upcoming free-kick?

Ward-Prowse responds, "No, not really. The reason being, there are already numerous pressures that I face on a daily basis.

"Although it is something I contemplate, I am definitely working towards achieving it. Ultimately, whatever will happen, will happen."

Expectation, position and stereotypes

Despite this, Ward-Prowse does provide honest insights into the pressures associated with being a specialist in free-kicks, mentioning three specific challenges during this conversation.

The first challenge he discusses is the immense expectation. "You can sense the entire stadium anticipating it," remarks Ward-Prowse when referring to approaching the free-kick position. "While it's a positive aspect, it can also be detrimental, as it's impossible for me to be flawless every single time."

Then, the focus shifts to the technique itself. It is worth mentioning that all of Ward-Prowse's successful free-kick goals have been from the left side or dead center of the area. None have been scored from the right side.

"Looks like someone has been studying my statistics!" Ward-Prowse playfully responds when this journalist presents him with these facts. "And the statistics do indicate that I face difficulties from the right side, yup."

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

"But I am really confident in my ability, I've taken a lot of free-kicks down the years and I know what works, and what doesn't."

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Additionally, there is a perception that Ward-Prowse's skillset is limited to his set-piece ability. Ward-Prowse acknowledges this stereotype, stating, "I recognize that I may be typecast as the 'set-piece guy,' but I am determined to prove that I am capable of much more."

This is where West Ham enters the picture. Last season, the Hammers demonstrated their proficiency in converting set-pieces, scoring 11 goals out of their 20 attempts from dead-ball situations throughout the campaign.

Ward-Prowse shares that his initial discussions with David Moyes encompassed more than just his skills in set plays. The player emphasizes that he has dedicated significant effort throughout his career to excel in various aspects of the game, beyond set pieces.

"Having spoken to the manager, there are other qualities within that I've been brought in for as well.

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

Having played against West Ham multiple times throughout the years, I have gained a deep understanding of their team's composition and the characteristics of a West Ham player. Their foundation is rooted in unwavering perseverance and a never-give-up attitude, qualities that resonate strongly with their fans.

When facing a team managed by David Moyes, one can expect to encounter a meticulously organized and difficult-to-penetrate defense, coupled with a relentless commitment to counter-attacking. These are areas we will be focusing on diligently in the upcoming weeks of preparation.

England goals and a dream debut?

When it comes to Ward-Prowse, there are greater ambitions in terms of his international career. The talented midfielder faced disappointment as he was excluded from the England squad not once, but twice, for the previous two international tournaments.

"It was undeniably tough, but such is the nature of football – things don't always unfold the way we desire," expresses Ward-Prowse. "I had full control over my performances for Southampton leading up to those tournaments, and I was content with how I fared."

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact


"Ward-Prowse has been excluded from the previous two England tournament squads. However, it is not up to me to make that decision. My main focus is on my performance at the club level. If I excel in that aspect, opportunities for England and international football will naturally follow."

Playing for your club and increasing your prospects is a great source of motivation for me. The responsibility to deliver now lies on my shoulders.

Securing a transfer to West Ham does not automatically assure my spot in the Euros. I must continue to exert maximum effort and perform at my best. In football, there are no certainties or guarantees.

For the time being, Ward-Prowse envisions himself in Beckham mode once more, much like he did when he was in his parents' garden. As he prepares for his West Ham debut, facing Chelsea in a highly anticipated London derby, Ward-Prowse imagines himself taking a crucial free-kick. With the We cameras capturing the moment, he aims to match Beckham's record.

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

West Ham United


Sunday 20th August 4:00pm

Kick off 4:30pm

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

James Ward-Prowse opens up about West Ham move and David Beckham's profound impact

"That's the dream, it's something I've been thinking about all for the whole week really," he admits.

Ward-Prowse's presence over the ball during Sunday's London derby will elicit a powerful silence from the home crowd. Will it be followed by a resounding cheer? Only time will tell...

Watch James Ward-Prowse's West Ham debut at home to Chelsea live on We' Super Sunday this weekend; kick-off 4.30pm