Italian Prime Minister Condemns Surrogacy as Inhuman with Stricter Penalties

Italian Prime Minister Condemns Surrogacy as Inhuman with Stricter Penalties

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni denounces surrogacy as inhuman and supports imposing harsher penalties, such as fines surpassing $1 million and extended prison terms, on offenders.

Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni believes that surrogacy is cruel and inhumane. She supports stricter penalties for those involved in the practice, such as fines of up to $1 million and prison sentences lasting multiple years.

Surrogacy, whether done for payment or not, is already against the law in Italy. However, Meloni's Brothers of Italy party has proposed a bill to make the penalties even harsher. This includes raising fines from €600,000 to €1 million ($640,290 to $1,067,150) and increasing jail terms from three months to two years.

Meloni expressed her strong disapproval of surrogacy during a conference in Rome called 'For a Young Europe: Demographic Transition, Environment, Future'. She stated her belief that surrogacy is inhumane. Additionally, she voiced her support for a bill that would criminalize the practice universally.

Meloni’s stance against surrogacy aligns with the Catholic Church’s beliefs.

Pope Francis recently spoke out against surrogacy in a document, stating that it goes against the dignity of both the child and the woman involved. He emphasized that the woman should not be treated as a mere tool for the desires or profits of others.

The Friday conference was held to address Italy's decreasing birth rates. Meloni's government aims to increase birth rates by providing better childcare and support for working mothers.

Meloni emphasized the importance of tackling the demographic challenge and ensuring economic sustainability. She stated that securing the future is crucial, not just managing the present.

Meloni is advocating for more public spending to help families, such as offering baby bonuses and tax breaks for families with children. Her government has already reduced taxes on baby formula and diapers.

The decision to outlaw surrogacy is widely viewed as a measure targeting the LGBTQ+ community. Italy was the final European nation to legalize same-sex partnerships in 2016, but it does not permit gay couples to get "married," aligning with the stance of the Catholic Church.

During Meloni's administration, birth certificates were updated to include "mother" and "father" instead of "parent 1" and "parent 2." However, in regions governed by her party, Brothers of Italy, the names of lesbian mothers were taken off birth certificates in 2023.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights Giorgia Meloni's strong opposition to surrogacy, proposing harsher penalties for its practice in Italy. While her stance aligns with Catholic Church beliefs, it has raised concerns regarding its impact on the LGBTQ+ community. The decision to outlaw surrogacy is seen as a targeted measure, given Italy's history of limiting LGBTQ+ rights. Meloni's government has also taken steps to reduce recognition for same-sex partnerships. These actions reflect a conservative agenda that places traditional family values above the rights and autonomy of individuals.

Meloni's emphasis on increasing birth rates through government support is commendable, but her approach raises questions about the broader societal impact. While it is important to address demographic challenges, it is equally essential to respect reproductive rights and ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities to parent and form families that reflect their values and desires. Restrictive policies that target certain groups or limit reproductive choices undermine the fundamental principles of human rights and equality.