Is Hidan Alive in Boruto? Demystified

Is Hidan Alive in Boruto? Demystified

Hidan's elusive fate in Naruto continues to intrigue fans, leaving his presence in Boruto just as enigmatic Discover the remnants of Hidan's legacy and the possibility of his continued existence in this captivating exploration

Hidan's ambiguous fate in Naruto leaves his future in Boruto just as uncertain. This immortal member of the Akatsuki caused trouble for the ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village, even killing their elite ninja, Asuma Sarutobi. Although ultimately stopped by Shikamaru, seeking vengeance for his team leader, Hidan was not explicitly killed.

While Hidan was incapacitated and out of commission for the rest of the series, he was never shown to specifically die. Despite his body being torn apart, decapitated, and thrown into a pit of rubble, his actual death is not confirmed. As a result, it remains unclear whether he is dead or alive. Although he has not been particularly relevant in Boruto, allusions to his character have been made.

Hidan’s fate by the time of Boruto

Is Hidan Alive in Boruto? Demystified

Hidan's ritual makes his immortality much more deadly. (Image via Studio Pierrot)

This dangerous missing-nin was a formidable threat during his time as an active member of the Akatsuki. His inherent immortality made him a significant danger, and through a ritual, he could link his body and his opponent’s body together, causing any injuries he sustained to reflect back on his opponents.

However, Hidan’s immortality is not foolproof. Despite being immortal, he is not invincible and can still be harmed by conventional means. Additionally, he can be tricked into consuming the blood of his allies, as Shikamaru cleverly does to divert Hidan's attack towards fellow Akatsuki member, Kakuzu.

Hidan’s legacy lives on (and so does he)

Shikamaru effectively incapacitated Hidan by using explosive tags to destroy his body and burying his remains in the ground. As a result, Hidan is no longer an active player in the story, and Shikamaru's actions continue to have an impact in Boruto.

Is Hidan Alive in Boruto? Demystified

Hidan and Deidara are cloned, but their clones do not have a long lifespan. (Image via Studio Pierrot)

However, Hidan is not completely forgotten. Both he and Deidara are later cloned for a brief arc in the anime, but their clones do not last long. Hidan’s clone still holds his original grudge against Shikamaru, but Shikamaru ensures that the clone meets its end before causing any significant harm. Unlike the original, this cloned version of Hidan simply perishes after a breakdown.

Additionally, during the Fourth Shinobi War, Hidan does not revive and participate in the battle despite his former teammate Kakazu returning from the dead and being amused by Hidan's continued existence. It is presumed that Hidan is still slowly perishing beneath the ground where he was buried by Shikamaru, and this fate likely continues into the era of Boruto. Another individual named Ryuki, who shared Hidan's religious beliefs, tried to emulate him but was ultimately captured by shinobi from the Hidden Leaf village, bringing an end to his ambitions before they could take off.

Hidan may still be alive during the events of Boruto, but it is unlikely that he will make a comeback in the plot any time soon. Shikamaru has only grown stronger since his final battle with Hidan, and as an adult and Hokage, he will probably not allow Hidan to cause chaos in the new era of Boruto.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the possibility of Hidan being alive in Boruto. On one hand, I think it would be interesting to see how his character would develop and how he would interact with the new generation of ninjas. On the other hand, I also think it would be a bit of a letdown if he were to return, as it would undermine the impact of his death in Naruto.

Overall, I think it would be best if Hidan were to remain dead. His death was a major turning point in the series, and it would be a shame to undo that. However, I would be open to seeing him return in a flashback or in a different way that doesn't undermine his death.