Is Gearbox Software, the Creator of Borderlands, Parting Ways with Embracer Group?

Is Gearbox Software, the Creator of Borderlands, Parting Ways with Embracer Group?

Speculations suggest that Gearbox Software, the renowned developer behind Borderlands, could be on the verge of departing from Embracer Group, sparking anticipation among its loyal fan base.

Gearbox Software, known for the popular Borderlands series, may soon be parting ways with its parent company, Embracer Group. The acquisition of Gearbox by Embracer Group took place in 2021.

In addition to a potential split from Embracer Group, Gearbox has recently experienced downsizing. On February 29, it was announced that Embracer Group is selling Saber Interactive to private investors for $500 million. Saber Interactive, the studio working on the highly anticipated Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake, assured fans that they will continue their work on the project. This decision is part of Embracer Group's larger cost-cutting strategy, raising the possibility of more studio sales in the future.

Insider Jason Schreier, who first reported Saber's departure, hinted at Gearbox's future with Embracer Group. When asked about it, he simply replied, "Stay tuned." This suggests that Gearbox might be parting ways with Embracer Group soon, or at least discussing it. Schreier mentioned that another Embracer subsidiary, Volition, was also considered for sale but discussions fell through. This could mean that Gearbox might face a similar situation, so fans should wait for official news. Despite the uncertainty, Borderlands fans are excited about the potential change, hoping their beloved developer will find better opportunities. Embracer Group has received criticism from fans in recent times.

Twitter article posted by Orb Ponderer

Gearbox Software's Next Game

Gearbox Software's CEO recently hinted at the studio's upcoming project, describing it as "the best thing we've ever worked on." While it's not confirmed if this will be another Borderlands game, there is a strong possibility. With the last Borderlands game, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, being released almost two years ago, it's likely that the next installment in the series is already in development. The studio is likely eager to capitalize on the excitement surrounding the upcoming Borderlands movie, set to premiere later this year.

Krieg and Maya - The first trailer for the Borderlands movie released last week and showcased its impressive visual effects and action sequences

Krieg and Maya - The first trailer for the Borderlands movie released last week and showcased its impressive visual effects and action sequences

The Borderlands movie's first trailer was recently released, featuring stunning visual effects and exciting action scenes. Despite this, some Borderlands fans expressed dissatisfaction with the trailer, particularly due to their concerns about how Tiny Tina was portrayed.

Gearbox has recently released a Borderlands promo code as part of the movie's promotional campaign. This code can be used to unlock five golden keys in most Borderlands games. It is still usable, but Gearbox has not mentioned how long it will be available for. So if you're interested, it's best to use it sooner rather than later.

Editor's P/S:

The article paints a complex and intriguing picture of Gearbox Software's current situation. The potential split from Embracer Group, coupled with recent downsizing and insider hints, suggests that the studio may be at a crossroads. Fans of the Borderlands series are understandably eager to see what the future holds, hoping that Gearbox will continue to deliver the high-quality experiences they've come to expect.

While the uncertainty surrounding Gearbox's future is concerning, the studio's CEO's tease of their upcoming project as "the best thing we've ever worked on" offers a glimmer of hope. Whether it's a new Borderlands game or something entirely different, it's clear that Gearbox is not resting on its laurels and is determined to push the boundaries of gaming. The release of the Borderlands movie trailer and the accompanying promo code further demonstrate the studio's commitment to engaging with its loyal fanbase.