Angel City on HBO tells the unique story of the creation of a women's soccer club in LA, showcasing the challenges and triumphs of building a team from scratch.
The series seamlessly blends the genres of sports documentary and business doc, while also offering a thought-provoking commentary on gender disparities in the sports world. Its inspiring and feminist perspective captivates viewers.
Although a few critics desired greater clarity regarding problem-solving moments throughout the season, the series receives widespread acclaim for its genuine and emotional depiction of the journey. Audiences particularly appreciate the relatability of movie star Natalie Portman's character.
Angel City on HBO is a standout in the realm of soccer docuseries, setting itself apart from similar narratives. In 2020, the birth of Angel City FC, a women's soccer club in LA, took place. Unlike other series, Angel City delves into the team's creation rather than focusing solely on team rehabilitation or the arrival of a new player. Led by movie star Natalie Portman, the team was funded through the collaboration of high-profile female athletes, actors, and industry leaders. Spanning three episodes, the series explores the team's origins and tracks its progress throughout its inaugural 2022 season in the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL). Angel City is a multidimensional series, encompassing elements of a sports documentary that showcases the emotional and physical toll of a season, a business documentary that sheds light on the team's start-up nature, and a commentary on gender disparities in sports. This combination results in a compelling series that has garnered significant attention from critics.
Most Critics Consider Angel City An Inspiring Feminist Sports Doc
Angel City on HBO is a captivating and unexpected journey that has received positive feedback from critics. The documentary follows the familiar patterns of other similar films, exploring themes such as injuries, egos, and the everyday struggles of trying to achieve victory. The uniqueness of Angel City lies in its focus on challenges specific to women's sports, which adds an interesting twist to the story. Portman, along with her two main partners, venture capitalist Kara Nortman and entrepreneur Julie Uhrman, face the harsh realities of sports management head-on, leaving no room for sugarcoating.
One reviewer, from Stuff, notes that the documentary benefits greatly from the participants' willingness to share their honest thoughts and emotions on camera. It is in these raw moments of frustration, anger, and joy where Angel City truly shines. The film delves into controversial incidents, such as the backlash faced when hiring a male coach, and Portman openly discusses her own lack of experience in the league and sports in general. With her background as a star, Portman becomes the perfect representative for the audience, allowing viewers to relate and connect on a deeper level.
Some Critics Thought Angel City Left Unanswered Questions
With just three episodes to encompass the extensive and intricate narrative of the football club, Angel City occasionally falls short in effectively depicting how Portman and her team overcome the challenges they encounter throughout the season. A critic from Decider observed that the series could benefit from slowing down at times, in order to provide more clarity on the practical aspects of their endeavor rather than solely focusing on the emotional motivations. The show often resolves both on-field and off-field issues without explicitly showing the solutions, which may have been preferable for fans.
Despite this minor criticism, Angel City on HBO has received widespread acclaim from critics for its candid and intimate portrayal of a unique storyline, featuring a captivating leading star and an ambitious team at its core.