Hideaki Itsuno, the director of Dragon’s Dogma 2, recently shared that the upcoming open-world RPG will feature live-action scenes of cooking meat instead of CGI. This exciting news adds an extra layer of anticipation for steak lovers eagerly awaiting the game's release in 2024.
Dragon’s Dogma 2, originally announced last year, is scheduled to launch on March 22 and is already generating significant buzz as one of the most highly anticipated games of 2024. Despite not being released yet, the game has already achieved best-seller status on Steam thanks to pre-orders.
Itsuno recently shared that instead of using CGI animations for meat preparation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, the team opted to film real footage instead. The decision was made to prioritize authenticity and quality, with the director explaining, “We chose to invest in real, high-quality meat rather than CGI, as we believed it was worth the expense”. This idea emerged during discussions about the game’s camping elements, with team members who are camping enthusiasts highlighting the significance of meat cooking in the overall experience.
dragon's dogma 2 food 3 - By recording live-action videos of the meat, the team ensured that each steak had a distinct, good-looking animation that would probably look better than CGI-rendered ones
By capturing live-action footage of the meat, the team made sure that each steak had a unique and visually appealing animation that could surpass CGI-rendered ones. This will enhance the visual quality of Dragon’s Dogma 2, which is expected to have an uncapped framerate and look very impressive. Therefore, cooking standout meat will contribute to the overall realism of the game.
Instead of investing in CGI for the meat, the team decided to allocate the budget towards purchasing real, high-quality meat. This way, they could ensure that the in-game visuals would be authentic and visually appealing.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Will Be A Huge RPG
Hideaki Itsuno has once again shared fascinating insights into the development of Dragon’s Dogma 2. The director had previously mentioned that some of the game’s most innovative ideas were born out of sleepless nights. The team’s late-night brainstorming sessions led to some truly hilarious and creative concepts for the game.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set to be released soon, and although some fans may be hesitant about the $70 price tag for the base game, they can take comfort in knowing that the game will offer a substantial amount of content. Capcom has confirmed that Dragon’s Dogma 2 will provide around 40 hours of gameplay to complete the main story. However, players who choose to delve into the side content can expect to spend over 100 hours exploring all that the game has to offer.
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 is shaping up to be a highly anticipated RPG, with the recent announcement that it will feature live-action scenes of cooking meat instead of CGI. This decision by director Hideaki Itsuno is a testament to the team's commitment to authenticity and quality, ensuring that the in-game visuals will be as realistic and visually appealing as possible. It's an exciting development that adds an extra layer of immersion to the game, particularly for steak lovers who can now look forward to visually stunning meat-cooking sequences.
Furthermore, the game's substantial content offering, with around 40 hours of gameplay for the main story and over 100 hours for those who delve into the side content, is impressive. Despite the $70 price tag for the base game, fans can expect a truly immersive and extensive RPG experience. Dragon's Dogma 2 is shaping up to be a must-play for RPG enthusiasts and is sure to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience when it releases in 2024.