Inside Shakira's Fitness Routine: Building Endurance and Stamina for Pop Star Success

Inside Shakira's Fitness Routine: Building Endurance and Stamina for Pop Star Success

Delve into Shakira's exclusive workout and diet regimen with insights from her personal trainer, Anna Kaiser. Discover how the pop star maintains her shape through a combination of endurance and stamina-focused exercises.

Shakira's Workouts Test Her 'Endurance and Stamina': How the Pop Star Stays in Shape

Shakira's Workouts Test Her 'Endurance and Stamina': How the Pop Star Stays in Shape

Shakira. Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for MTV

Shakira's trainer, Anna Kaiser, shares that the key to Shakira's enviable hips is a focus on strength and dance in her training regimen. Most of the time, they incorporate dance-cardio workouts to keep Shakira in top shape. If Shakira has a busy day, they may opt for cardio on a machine instead.

Anna Kaiser reveals that she teaches Shakira a series of routines that the singer incorporates into her performances and choreography. This fun and dynamic approach to fitness has helped Shakira maintain her iconic figure. For those interested in Shakira's workout routines, Anna Kaiser offers her eponymous Virtual Studios program for $39 per month.

After finishing Shakira's dance-centric moves, which she loves, her trainer Kaiser moves on to a "strength session."

Kaiser usually begins with a 30 to 45-minute strength session, followed by an additional 15 to 30 minutes of cardio. Shakira prefers low-impact cardio that engages her brain and allows her to learn new ways of moving while keeping it gentle on her body.

Kaiser advises Shakira to incorporate a mix of heavier weights, such as eight or 10 pounds, along with a burnout for the strength portion of her workout. This helps to challenge her muscles effectively.

For the lighter weight exercises, Kaiser suggests higher repetitions similar to Shakira's online sculpt workouts. After the strength training, they incorporate fun dance sessions to elevate and enhance the effectiveness of the workout. This is especially beneficial since the muscles are already fatigued at this point.

Shakira manages to juggle her regular workouts, which she does four days a week with Kaiser, along with her music career, other business ventures, and taking care of her two sons, Milan and Sasha.

Kaiser acknowledges that Shakira leads a busy life wearing multiple hats as a mother, philanthropist, businesswoman, recording artist, and producer. Despite her hectic schedule, dancing with him serves as a challenge for her endurance and stamina, providing a much-needed energy boost and mood enhancement in the middle of her demanding day.

According to Kaiser, Shakira fits in training time “wherever she can” to accommodate her schedule.

Getting abs like Shakira isn’t just due to her workouts, but also her diet.

Kaiser explains that the key to her toned abs is her diet. She focuses on eating nutrient-rich foods consistently. After a workout, it is important to consume a combination of protein and carbohydrates to feed the muscles. Building lean muscle mass can help increase metabolism. For every pound of muscle gained, an extra 50 calories are burned daily. This means that gaining 10 pounds of muscle can lead to burning an additional 550 calories each day without any extra effort.

It is crucial to provide the muscles with the necessary nutrients to support growth and recovery. The best time to fuel the muscles is immediately after a workout. This ensures that they have the necessary fuel to repair and recover effectively. Including high-quality protein and nutrient-dense carbohydrates in post-workout meals is essential for muscle maintenance and growth.

Shakira's Workouts Test Her 'Endurance and Stamina': How the Pop Star Stays in Shape

Shakira's Workouts Test Her 'Endurance and Stamina': How the Pop Star Stays in Shape

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for Coachella

Shakira usually starts her day with an omelet and some greens for breakfast. For lunch, she prefers a salad with some protein. Her dinner is typically a "small dinner" consisting of protein and steamed vegetables.

According to Kaiser, Shakira has a strong sweet tooth. In the past, she even kept a drawer stocked with sweets like candy, chocolate, and Nutella in her home. Kaiser used to have to keep a close eye on her, but now she is much better at controlling her cravings.

Kaiser mentioned that Shakira's fit body is also thanks to getting enough sleep. He mentioned that she has become more relaxed about indulging in treats. Kaiser explained, "We're not strict about it anymore because she knows it doesn't make her feel good. As you get older, you become more aware of your body. I don't monitor her sugar intake like before, but I still joke with her about it."

You can now train like Shakira with the Anna Kaiser Virtual Studios program. For only $39 a month, you can access a weekly curated program of classes. Kaiser mentions that Shakira often gets hungry during abs and core exercises at the end of a tough workout. To help her refuel, they always have coconut water available in the studio.

For more on Shakira’s fitness regimen, pick up the new issue of We, on newsstands now.

With reporting by Amanda Williams

Editor's P/S:

Shakira's fitness journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to achieve their own health and wellness goals. Her trainer, Anna Kaiser, emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach that incorporates both strength training and dance-cardio workouts. By focusing on low-impact exercises, lighter weight repetitions, and a nutrient-rich diet, Shakira has maintained her iconic figure despite her busy schedule. Her dedication to fitness is evident in her ability to juggle her music career, business ventures, and family commitments while still prioritizing her health.

It's important to note that Shakira's fitness regimen is tailored to her individual needs and preferences. It's always advisable to consult with a qualified personal trainer to develop a fitness plan that is safe and effective for you. However, the principles behind Shakira's approach, such as the emphasis on strength, cardio, and nutrition, can be applied to anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being.