In Call of Duty Warzone 2, players have experienced a range of issues since the game's launch, including a variety of bugs that have impacted gameplay. While some of these bugs have been relatively harmless, others have had a more detrimental effect, such as latency problems resulting in lost kills during matches. However, one player recently encountered a rather strange bug that resulted in a unique game intro.
Before each game in Call of Duty Warzone 2, players are treated to an intro sequence that shows their character preparing to jump out of a plane and into the match. Other players in their group join them on the walk to the plane's exit before the scene transitions to the gameplay itself. However, in this particular case, the intro glitched in a bizarre way, resulting in a truly unique and unexpected sequence that is sure to have been as entertaining to watch as it was to experience.
As with any game, bugs are a natural part of the experience, but it's always nice when they result in something unexpected and enjoyable like this. Despite the issues that players have faced with Call of Duty Warzone 2, it's clear that the game still has a lot to offer in terms of entertainment and excitement. As long as developers continue to address these issues and work towards improving the game, players can look forward to many more thrilling matches in the future.
However, one player in Call of Duty Warzone 2 experienced a unique intro compared to other players. A video shared on r/CODWarzone by user GamerAgentGold showed the player's character, the iconic Ghost from Modern Warfare 2, encountering some light glitches as he walked towards the end of the plane. Suddenly, the character switched into an execution animation where he grabbed an enemy and stabbed them multiple times with a knife, resulting in blood spurting from the nonexistent enemy. The game then transitioned to the player being able to take control.
While some users in the comments section joked about the situation being Ghost grappling with his PTSD from Modern Warfare 2, others provided a more practical explanation. One user suggested that it could have occurred when the player was in the middle of an execution animation at the end of the warmup timer, causing the animation to play when the player was given control of their character. Given the number of bugs present in Warzone 2, such as the infamous Intervention bug, it is not surprising that something like this could occur.
Although the bug may not have a significant impact on the overall gameplay experience, it highlights that Warzone 2 still has a long way to go in terms of bug fixes and optimization. This has been a persistent issue for some time now. As the player count for Warzone 2 continues to decline, it is imperative that the development team addresses the major concerns raised by players who prefer the original Warzone.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.