Innovative Idea for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

Innovative Idea for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

A creative concept to enhance the gaming experience for players who enlist the help of friendly Hellhounds

The Thrill of Enlisting Friendly Hellhounds

For those who immerse themselves in the captivating world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the thrill of enlisting the help of friendly Hellhounds adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. These loyal companions, summoned through the rare 'Chunk of Flesh' item found in the depths of the MWZ Urzikstan map, stand as steadfast allies against the relentless hordes of zombies.

call of duty modern warfare 3 zombies

call of duty modern warfare 3 zombies

The act of summoning a friendly Hellhound not only grants players a formidable ally, but also unlocks the coveted 'You Can Pet the Dog' Achievement or Trophy, a testament to their bond with these loyal companions. However, the challenge lies in keeping track of the well-being of these faithful allies as they courageously engage in battle, often straying beyond the player's immediate view.

The idea of having a dedicated HUD health bar for these formidable allies has emerged as a game-changing concept, revolutionizing the experience of those who rely on the assistance of friendly Hellhounds. This innovative proposal, put forth by a passionate player, seeks to address the need for a more intuitive way to monitor the status of these loyal companions during the heat of battle.

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The Vision of a Thoughtful Player

The visionary proposal, brought to light by an insightful player known as georgelucas420 on Reddit, envisions the integration of a dedicated HUD health bar specifically designed for friendly Hellhounds. This proposal, accompanied by a compelling mockup image, showcases a green dog icon alongside the player's gas mask meter, providing a clear and concise representation of the Hellhound's health status.

The significance of this visionary concept lies in its potential to alleviate the challenges faced by players in monitoring the well-being of their faithful companions. As these loyal Hellhounds valiantly engage in combat, often venturing far from their summoner's sight, the inclusion of a dedicated HUD health bar presents a revolutionary solution to ensure that players remain informed of their companion's status at all times.

Anticipation for the Future of Modern Warfare 3

With the recent release of the Season 1 Reloaded content, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 community eagerly anticipates the unveiling of plans for Season 2. As players continue to engage in exhilarating battles and face off against the formidable Dokkaebi Warlord in the MWZ Urzikstan map, the promise of new challenges and adventures in the upcoming season fuels the excitement of fans around the world.