Imaginary is a chilling tale that delves into the unsettling scenario of an abandoned imaginary friend seeking revenge on the one who left him behind. Jessica, the main character, is a newlywed and stepmother to two troubled girls. Returning to her childhood home stirs up painful memories of her past trauma when her youngest stepdaughter, Alice, forms a bond with Jessica's childhood teddy bear. What starts as a seemingly innocent friendship takes a dark turn as Alice and her imaginary friend Chauncey's games become increasingly sinister.
From the creative minds of Jason Blum and Jeff Wadlow, known for their work on Fantasy Island and Truth or Dare, comes another spine-tingling take on a childhood classic. DeWanda Wise shines both as the lead actress and producer, bringing Jessica's harrowing struggle to protect her new family to life with a powerful performance. The talented cast also includes standout performances from young actors Pyper Braun and Taegen Burns as Alice and Taylor, Jessica's stepdaughters. Tom Payne portrays Max, their father and Jessica's husband, while horror icon Betty Buckley takes on the role of Gloria, their neighbor and Jessica's former babysitter who has a deep knowledge of the supernatural.
Working with DeWanda Wise on Imaginary
In a recent interview with Screen Rant, the young stars of Imaginary, including Burns and Braun, discussed their experiences working with DeWanda Wise. Burns shared insights on her character's relationship with stepmother Jessica, while Braun delved into why she wanted to bring out the creepiness of Alice. Wise's impact on the young stars was evident as they talked about what they learned from her and how she influenced their performances. Additionally, they discussed director Wadlow's contributions and their first encounter with the massive Bear Beast on set.
DeWanda Wise Jessica reading a book in Imaginary - Imaginary's Young Stars On Working With DeWanda Wise
This movie combines psychological horror and childhood trauma in a way that is perfect for young fans looking to explore the genre. Can you discuss how Taylor's relationship with Jessica evolves over the course of the film, Teagen?
Taegen Burns: Taylor is initially portrayed as aggressive and unlikable, especially in her rough relationship with Jess. Her protective nature towards Alice stems from these feelings, making her seem selfish as she doesn't see Jess as necessary in their family. However, as the story progresses, Taylor begins to rely on Jess and their relationship develops, showing a sweet connection amidst their whirlwind journey.
Pyper, your performance was truly impressive. The scene with the psychologist or psychiatrist was particularly intense and had me at the edge of my seat. When you first came across this story, what were some aspects you aimed to bring to your role that weren't explicitly written on the page?
Pyper Braun: The kid is definitely creepy. She was just sitting in the background, listening to your conversation without you even realizing she's there. It's so quiet and eerie how she does that.
I even thought I saw the bear moving its head, but maybe it was just my imagination. So, when you were working with DeWanda, what did you learn from her?
Taegen Burns: Observing Her Craft on Set of Imaginary
Just observing her work, her techniques, and how she immerses herself in character was truly inspiring. There isn't just one specific thing that stands out, but rather the overall experience of working with someone to admire. Learning from her scene-handling and approach was incredibly insightful and beneficial.
Jeff Wadlow Maintained a Vibrant Atmosphere During the Filming of Imaginary
Pyper Braun as Alice with Chauncey the teddy bear in Imaginary Blumhouse - Jeff Wadlow Kept The Energy High On The Set Of Imaginary
Jeff Wadlow is fantastic. He's such a brilliant director, especially when it comes to these horror films. What did his directing style add to Imaginary?
Pyper Braun: Jeff is such a bundle of energy and one of the most lively directors I've ever worked with. He keeps the energy high on set, while also giving you the freedom to bring your own essence to your character. He really works alongside you, allowing you to infuse your character with emotions, to explore deeply, and truly become your character.
This film is very hands-on, and I believe that having practical elements on set is crucial for a successful horror movie. Can you share your experience of the first time you encountered the Bear Monster on set?
Taegen Burns: When I first saw the Bear Monster while filming, it was an incredible moment. The scene where he emerges from the ground and rises up was truly impressive. Witnessing the character come to life with all the intricate details and the sheer size of the costume was both amazing and terrifying.
Pyper Braun: Prior to seeing the Bear Beast costume in person, I had the opportunity to view a video of Dane, the actor who portrays the Bear Beast, moving around in the suit. The handler, Mark, shared the video with me and I was blown away by the level of detail and how much better the costume appeared when worn. Dane is already quite tall, but when he wears the costume, he gains an additional four or five inches, making him tower over everyone on set.
Taegen Burns: Oh my goodness.
About Imaginary
Chauney from Imaginary staring straight ahead with cloud background - About Imaginary
Jessica (DeWanda Wise) moves back into her childhood home with her family, and her youngest stepdaughter Alice (Pyper Braun) discovers a stuffed bear named Chauncey in the basement. Alice becomes strangely attached to Chauncey and starts playing games with him that start off innocent but take a dark turn.
Check out our other Imaginary interviews here:
Jason Blum & Jeff Wadlow
DeWanda Wise
Imaginary hits theaters on March 8.
Source: Screen Rant Plus
Editor's P/S:
This article provides an intriguing glimpse into the upcoming horror film "Imaginary." The compelling premise of an abandoned imaginary friend seeking revenge creates a chilling atmosphere. The talented cast, including DeWanda Wise, Pyper Braun, and Taegen Burns, promises to deliver nuanced performances that will bring the characters' struggles to life. The insights shared by the young stars on their experiences working with Wise and director Jeff Wadlow reveal a collaborative and supportive environment that allowed them to fully explore their roles.
Overall, this article effectively builds anticipation for "Imaginary" by highlighting its psychological horror elements, the strong performances, and the creative minds behind it. It leaves readers eager to witness the unsettling and spine-tingling tale that awaits them when the film releases.