The Birth of Hypergalactic
Toei Animation, the renowned studio behind iconic anime like One Piece and Dragon Ball Super, has set the stage for a revolutionary collaboration in the world of animation. Partnering with Naoto Oshima, the creative mind responsible for Sonic the Hedgehog's design, Toei takes a leap into uncharted territory with a new CGI project titled Hypergalactic.
A Star-Studded Cast
In a bold move that captivates fans and critics alike, Toei Animation has assembled a stellar lineup of talent for Hypergalactic. Leading the pack is the versatile actor JK Simmons, known for his roles in Invincible and Spider-Man. Joining Simmons are Elsie Fisher, the rising star from Eighth Grade, and the comedic genius Adam Devine, adding a touch of humor to the epic tale of Ohkan and his companions.
Embarking on an Epic Adventure
Hypergalactic unfolds a captivating story set in a futuristic Earth, where a young girl and her brother embark on a quest alongside Ohkan, the Earth's guardian. Together, they navigate through challenges and mysteries in search of their missing parents, embarking on a journey that transcends cultures and boundaries. With a blend of global influences and a touch of Japanese anime magic, Hypergalactic promises an unforgettable cinematic experience for audiences worldwide.