How to Get More Paldium Fragments in Palworld

How to Get More Paldium Fragments in Palworld

A comprehensive guide on obtaining Paldium Fragments in Palworld and using them to progress in the game.

Finding Paldium Ores

In the world of Palworld, the key to progression lies in mining Paldium Ores. These valuable resources are essential for capturing creatures and crafting important items. Let's dive into the details of how to obtain more Paldium Fragments in Palworld.

The ore deposits that yield Paldium Fragments are scattered all over the wilderness.

The ore deposits that yield Paldium Fragments are scattered all over the wilderness.

To start your journey towards obtaining Paldium Fragments, keep an eye out for small ore nodes with a slightly bluish hue. These nodes are the source of Paldium Ores and can be found scattered throughout the starting area. Exploring nearby clearings is a good way to discover these valuable resources.

Additionally, it's crucial to craft a Stone Pickaxe using the Primitive Workbench. This tool, made from 5x Wood and 5x Stone, will significantly increase your yields from ore nodes. Equipping the Stone Pickaxe is a smart move to maximize your resource gathering efforts in Palworld. Keep in mind that Paldium Fragments can also be found while mining stone deposits, although in smaller quantities.

Crafting with Paldium Fragments

Paldium Fragments are the building blocks for essential early-game items in Palworld. Here are a few examples of items that require this valuable material: Pal Sphere, Palbox, and Common Shield.

The Pal Sphere is a crucial tool for capturing Pals, while the Palbox serves as a management terminal for the Pals at your base. Additionally, the Common Shield provides a protective barrier that absorbs damage, gradually replenishing over time when not taking damage.

Having a substantial supply of Paldium Fragments ensures that you're well-equipped to craft these important tools and items whenever the need arises in Palworld.

Exploring Palworld

Palworld is brimming with wide-open expanses, unique biomes, and a diverse array of creatures. As you venture into this captivating world, be prepared to encounter strange and fascinating beings, each with its own quirks and abilities. For more in-depth information about the game, be sure to check out our guides hub.