Horizon 3 Masterfully Conquers a Longstanding Series Challenge

Horizon 3 Masterfully Conquers a Longstanding Series Challenge

Horizon 3: The Game-Changer That Elevates Combat to New Heights, Addressing Long-standing Challenges in the Series


Horizon Forbidden West has improved on key areas of the original game, but there are still improvements that can be made.

Combat is a fundamental element of the Horizon franchise, and enhancing and perfecting it for the third installment will be crucial in order to captivate fans.

Criticism has been directed towards the sluggish and cumbersome melee combat in the series, therefore enhancing Aloy's skills in close-quarters combat could greatly enhance the variety of gameplay mechanics in Horizon 3.

Guerrilla Games took a major leap with Horizon Zero Dawn, breaking away from the conventional linear, first-person shooter genre. In 2017, players were transported to a distant United States and immersed in the story of Aloy, an outcast from the Nora tribe who possesses a unique connection to the land and strives to save a world overrun by machines. Despite being overshadowed by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild upon its release, it garnered a dedicated fanbase. The highly anticipated sequel, Forbidden West, released in 2022, improved upon its predecessor in key areas, yet with the possibility of a third mainline entry on the horizon, there is still room for further enhancements.

From a narrative perspective, Aloy and her companions are poised to confront Nemesis, but the specific details of the storyline and how it will enhance gameplay remain unknown. Combat serves as a central aspect of the Horizon franchise, and refreshing it to provide a new experience is crucial in captivating fans. One potential area for improvement lies in refining melee combat, ensuring it feels more fluid and viable. This adjustment is necessary, as it addresses one of the few criticisms of the series, which has quickly established itself as one of PlayStation's finest additions to their ever-expanding first-party lineup.

Horizon's Combat is Jack of All Trades

Horizon 3 Masterfully Conquers a Longstanding Series Challenge

Aloy is always portrayed as a capable character who has honed her combat skills, rendering her a formidable adversary against various enemies. The wide array of weapons allows players to exercise creativity during battles, while the excellent stealth mechanics offer the option to approach situations quietly or avoid conflict altogether. Player autonomy is high in Horizon, providing numerous possibilities, although the bow remains a vital weapon. Similar to Lara Croft in recent Tomb Raider games, Aloy's expertise with a bow and arrows makes her an adept hunter, as different arrow types enable her to eliminate foes even at close range through well-timed shots.

From the blast sling to the ropecaster, combat in Horizon often resembles a puzzle rather than a simple fight, heightening the intensity and excitement of each encounter. The inclusion of weapons, along with the Focus, elevates Horizon above many other contemporaries, empowering both the player and Aloy. The third game must maintain this tradition, as the increased difficulty against stronger adversaries necessitates the effective utilization of melee mechanics to ensure Aloy's survival.

Melee Combat Could Be Refined in Horizon 3

Horizon 3 Masterfully Conquers a Longstanding Series Challenge

Aloy's spear serves multiple purposes throughout the story, allowing her to connect with the past, engage with the world, and discover new areas. Whether it's opening doors or controlling Tallnecks, the spear plays a crucial role. While it is a proficient weapon, in the first game, it felt like a last resort due to its slow and clunky controls. In Forbidden West, the melee combat was improved, but still not a reliable option for consistent combat. This decision by Guerrilla Games may have been deliberate, with other methods taking the spotlight. However, enhancing Aloy's close-range abilities in Horizon 3 could add mechanical diversity and provide more choices for players seeking creativity.

Horizon's combat already sets itself apart from other open-world games with its diverse approach, offering multiple paths to victory. This, combined with the stunning environments and impressive presentation, distinguishes the series. To further elevate the franchise's standards, if the third game aims to match Forbidden West's impact, enhancing Aloy's melee skills could be a promising starting point.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.