The longevity of the Halo series was not anticipated by everyone, particularly after Bungie's release of Halo Reach in 2013, marking their final Halo game. Since then, 343 Studios has produced a variety of Halo games that have received mixed reviews. While some fans have praised the game's visuals and novel gameplay concepts, many have expressed disappointment with the overall direction of the franchise. Despite strong sales and user bases for both Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Infinite, reactions have been somewhat polarizing. Halo 4, on the other hand, received a more unanimous and positive consensus. Although both Halo 5 and Infinite attempted to push the series forward with innovative ideas, neither game truly hit the mark, with various successes and failures. Even with forthcoming updates for Halo Infinite and the possibility of introducing new companion characters, it could be argued that the franchise has already sustained significant damage.
Storyline: How Is Halo's Story Moving Forward?
The Halo franchise has always been known for its captivating storyline, with fans drawn in by the collection of high-stakes missions and immersive world-building. However, since Bungie's departure, 343's titles have been met with mixed reviews from the fan base. Halo 4 successfully introduced a new villain and moved the franchise beyond the Bungie saga, but Halo 5: Guardians strayed away from previous world-building and focused on a plot centered around Cortana's descent into madness. With the release of Halo Infinite, the franchise once again shifts focus, this time to the Banished and a new Cortana clone, rendering much of Halo 5's narrative irrelevant.
The Halo trilogy's storyline has suffered from too much flipping and disconnection between its last three games. This has led to a fragmented feel that pales in comparison to the original. While Halo Infinite's story was familiar yet progressive, it faced an uphill battle from the start as it glossed over Halo 5: Guardian's conclusion off-screen. Both Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Infinite failed to deliver a satisfying story, a disappointment given the iconic story campaigns of earlier Halo titles.
Halo's solid FPS mechanics have always been highly regarded by fans, and while the franchise's original mechanics are still beloved, 343 has done an excellent job experimenting with new mechanics while refining the old. The armor abilities introduced in Halo Reach by Bungie proved to be a hit, and the game's pacing became quicker and more akin to the popular Call of Duty series. Halo 5: Guardians continued this trend with great success, and despite the games becoming tougher in co-op mode, players still enjoy grinding through the campaigns with friends, thanks in no small part to the impressive mechanics.
Halo 5's campaign may have disappointed fans, but its multiplayer received high praise for its fast gameplay and versatile mechanics. This resulted in the game dominating the eSports scene for a couple of years with numerous tournaments worldwide. Halo Infinite has simplified the mechanics by removing certain armor abilities and dodge/roll mechanics featured in the previous game, and instead opted for the beloved Halo mechanics, a sprint ability, and an entertaining grappling hook mechanic. Both Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Infinite have successfully nailed the mechanics of the series.
Visuals: Did Guardians And Infinite Look Pretty Enough?
Halo fans not only appreciate the mechanics, characters, and storylines, but also the stunning visuals each game offers. The sci-fi setting allows for breathtaking sights, which Bungie utilized in all its Halo titles. With advancements in game design technology and graphics during the 343 era, the visuals have only improved. Even the debut Xbox game had impressive graphics that have aged well, making it clear why the franchise has always been a feast for the eyes.
Halo's graphics have come a long way since Halo 4, with Guardians and Infinite boasting gorgeous landscapes and incredibly realistic characters. The cutscenes are especially impressive, drawing players deeper into the game through stunning visuals. The more lifelike the characters appear, the more players become invested in them, and both games excel in this aspect.
Characterization: How Good Are The Characters?
The characters in Halo have always been beloved by fans. Although there were opportunities for further development, they were generally well-defined and fully realized. Halo 4 introduced some exceptional characters, including the Didact and Thomas Laskey. With the progression of the storyline in both Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Infinite, the focus shifted to different characters, resulting in minimal overlap between them.
Characters in recent Halo games feel underdeveloped compared to earlier entries in the series. Even iconic characters like Cortana have suffered from convoluted and unsatisfying storylines. Despite impressive gameplay and visuals, the recent games have taken a noticeable step back in terms of storytelling. Halo Infinite can be played on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox One Series X/S.