Futurama's Best Kept Secret: The Unforgettable Fry/Leela Storyline That Lay Hidden for Years

Futurama's Best Kept Secret: The Unforgettable Fry/Leela Storyline That Lay Hidden for Years

Futurama's Season 11, Episode 2 hints at Fry and Leela's desire for children, but why haven't they had any? This article explores the unanswered Fry/Leela storyline and delves into why it's better for the show if they remain childless

Warning: Spoilers for Futurama season 11, episode 2!


The revival of Futurama season 11 may cause complications in Fry and Leela's relationship as they face the question of whether or not they want to have children. In the episode "Children of a Lesser Bog," Fry subtly expressed his desire to have kids while Leela appeared receptive to the idea.

Fry and Leela's potential for a dramatic storyline may not be suitable, as it would overshadow Amy and Kif's parenting plot and may not align with their respective personalities.

In the highly anticipated return of Futurama for season 11 after a 10-year break, the show wastes no time in hinting at a significant Fry and Leela storyline that had been forgotten for years. Like many sitcom romances, Fry and Leela's relationship had its ups and downs. However, due to Futurama's chaotic history, both within the show and its airing, their on-again/off-again narrative became even more convoluted. Season 11 playfully acknowledges that Futurama was canceled and revived a total of four times, further complicating Fry and Leela's relationship.

Futurama Season 11, Episode 2 Implied Fry & Leela May Want Kids

The series finale of Futurama brought a satisfying conclusion as Fry and Leela finally ended up together. However, the unexpected revival of the show in season 11 on Hulu introduced new complexities. Thankfully, the revival chose not to separate the happy couple once again, but instead focused on exploring essential aspects of their relationship that had been overlooked. In episode 2, titled "Children of a Lesser Bog," a significant question arose regarding Fry and Leela's desire to have children. Surprisingly, this topic had never been properly addressed in the series before, but the episode hinted that parenthood may be in their future.

Futurama's Best Kept Secret: The Unforgettable Fry/Leela Storyline That Lay Hidden for Years

In the episode titled "Children of a Lesser Bog," Leela faced the challenge of taking care of Amy's children throughout the story. Due to a peculiar aspect of Kif's unusual biology, the children technically possessed Leela's DNA. Although Leela only stepped in temporarily to help out an exhausted Amy while Kif was away, it soon became evident that the children had developed a genuine affection for their babysitter, Leela. Despite her initial lack of interest in parenting Amy and Kif's kids, Leela felt a sense of joy upon witnessing the family reunite towards the end of the episode, which led to an unexpected twist.

Why Fry and Leela Have No Kids In Futurama

: In the closing moments of the episode, Fry lovingly embraced Leela and reflected on the strong bond shared by Amy and Kif's children. His nostalgic tone suggested that Fry might one day desire children of his own. Interestingly, Leela appeared to be comfortable with this idea as well. Not only was she moved by the heartwarming reunion of Amy, Kif, and their kids, but Leela also unexpectedly found joy in her babysitting experience. If Fry and Leela can navigate their desires and priorities, there is a possibility that the beloved couple of Futurama may experience the joys of parenthood in season 11.

Futurama's Best Kept Secret: The Unforgettable Fry/Leela Storyline That Lay Hidden for Years

The on-again, off-again love story between Fry and Leela endured for such a prolonged period that they never had the chance to seriously consider starting a family. Despite their intermittent dating throughout the multiple seasons of Futurama, their relationship remained far from stable, especially considering Fry's comedic irresponsibility. While Leela never exhibited Fry's overt immaturity, she possessed a streak of immaturity herself that would have rendered parenting a peculiar match. Moreover, the perilous nature of Planet Express introduced an even greater risk factor to the prospect of having children.

Futurama Season 11 Still Shouldn’t Make Fry & Leela Parents

With the start of Futurama's season 11 renewal revolving around Fry's endeavor to binge-watch every existing television show, it can be easily concluded that he still retains his youthful immaturity. Equally, in the absence of her responsibility of looking after Amy's children, Leela found solace in indulging herself with the jelly filling from the communal box of donuts in the office. Consequently, one could argue that neither Fry nor Leela have reached the level of maturity required for parenthood, which made Fry's remark at the conclusion of the episode even more astonishing.

Futurama's Best Kept Secret: The Unforgettable Fry/Leela Storyline That Lay Hidden for Years

Although there is immense potential for drama in a storyline involving Fry and Leela becoming parents, it may not be necessary for Futurama season 11 to pursue this route. Despite the idea of starting a family seeming like a natural progression for them, Fry and Leela have never conformed to traditional norms. Not only does parenthood not align with their individual personalities, but it would also overshadow Amy and Kif's own journey as parents. Given that Futurama’s season 11 is expected to offer more topical satire, it seems unlikely that there will be sufficient time to delve into a Fry/Leela parenting narrative within the show's limited 10-episode run on Hulu.

New episodes of Futurama release Mondays on Hulu.