Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

Master the epic journey of Final Fantasy 16 with our comprehensive walkthrough, guiding you through thrilling eikon fights, movement and combat tutorials, leading you to the majestic Throne Room Unleash your inner hero! (348 characters)

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Eikon Fight

Movement Tutorial

Combat Tutorial

Go to the Throne Room

Final Fantasy 16 embraces the evolving nature of the series, adapting to the advancements in technology and gameplay. From its humble beginnings as a 2D turn-based RPG, the franchise has now evolved into a visually stunning and action-packed experience.

Building upon this progression, Final Fantasy 16 places a greater emphasis on action than ever before. To ensure a smooth transition for players, the game's opening, specifically the "Sunrise, Sunset" mission, offers a series of informative tutorials. These tutorials serve as valuable guides, helping players navigate and familiarize themselves with the game's heightened action-oriented gameplay.

Eikon Fight

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

After initiating a new game, selecting the desired difficulty level, and adjusting any necessary settings, a captivating cutscene ensues. Soon after, players assume control of Phoenix in an epic battle against Ifrit. The mechanics of this encounter are relatively straightforward, requiring players to continuously unleash attacks on Ifrit while skillfully evading its onslaught using the 'R1' button. The pivotal strategy for successfully dodging Ifrit's devastating assaults lies in observing the precise moment when it radiates an intense glow. By executing well-timed evasive maneuvers, players can effectively evade Ifrit's attacks and emerge victorious.

Movement Tutorial

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

The encounter is rather short, resembling more of an interactive cinematic than a full-fledged battle. Subsequently, players are treated to another cutscene that introduces them to Clive Rosfield, the central character and protagonist of Final Fantasy 16.

Players will go through a tutorial to learn the basic movement controls. The left stick allows for movement, while the right stick enables the camera to be moved and the environment to be explored. Additionally, players will be introduced to other controls such as pausing the game and accessing the main menu. Moving forward on the path will initiate a longer cutscene. It is worth noting that cutscenes can be paused at any time, ensuring that players won't miss any important details if they need to temporarily step away.

After the cinematic sequence, proceed along the designated route. During this introductory phase, players won't come across any collectible items. Progress forward until reaching a ledge that requires pressing the 'X' button to climb up. Descend down the slope to trigger yet another cinematic sequence. Keep on sprinting down the path and brace yourself for another captivating cutscene.

Combat Tutorial

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

Thirteen years prior to the current events, the narrative takes a leap back in time. As players assume the role of a younger Clive, they are guided through a comprehensive combat tutorial. Covering everything from offensive maneuvers to the utilization of magic and evasion techniques, players are equipped with the fundamental knowledge of combat. Moreover, they are taught the crucial skill of healing any incurred injuries. Subsequently, they engage in their inaugural battle against the formidable Lord Commander. As the confrontation concludes, a series of captivating cutscenes ensues.

While a cutscene is paused, players have the option to utilize the Active Time Lore feature, which provides additional information about the characters featured in the cutscene, as well as other pertinent details that may not have been explicitly mentioned during the cutscene.

Go to the Throne Room

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

Once the cutscenes conclude, make your way to the throne room by following the red waypoint displayed on your screen. Before proceeding, take a detour to the left towards the tent and interact with the luminous object to obtain a Potion. Afterwards, continue towards the stairs to initiate another cutscene and then head towards the door.

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

Before entering the door, turn left and ascend the wooden stairs. On the opposite side of the balcony, you will find a High Potion. Once prepared, proceed through the door and step into the garden. Towards the right edge of the garden, there is a Potion awaiting. If you wish to engage in optional dialogue, make sure to speak with Joshua before entering the throne room.

Fulfill your Destiny: Unleashing the Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16

In Final Fantasy 16, players will come across a challenging object that requires additional effort to access or operate. To utilize this object, players are required to press the 'X' button and then hold/push the 'R2' button. A prime example of this is the heavy door leading to the throne room. Once through the door, a captivating cutscene will be triggered. Proceed up the stairs to the right of the throne, and upon entering the room above, several more engrossing cutscenes will unfold, culminating in the completion of the initial main story quest.

Final Fantasy 16 releases on June 22nd for the PS5.