Fortnite Teases Exciting New Weapon

Fortnite Teases Exciting New Weapon

Discover the latest scoop as a Fortnite insider unveils details about an upcoming weapon that could potentially shake up the game. Get ready for possible new gameplay dynamics with the speculated release of this mystery weapon coinciding with Fortnite's next season launch on March 8.

Dataminers have uncovered an unreleased weapon currently being playtested by Fortnite's development team, a new DMR. This particular weapon type is no stranger to Fortnite fans, as it has been introduced in various forms in the past.

In previous updates, Fortnite has featured a Thermal DMR, standard DMR, Tactical DMR, and more, all of which are currently vaulted. DMRs typically function as semi-automatic, long-range weapons that serve as a hybrid between assault rifles and sniper rifles. The standard DMR, for instance, boasted impressive hip-fire accuracy, making it a versatile tool in the hands of skilled players when other weapons were not readily available. Luckily for DMR enthusiasts, details about Fortnite's latest iteration of the weapon have recently surfaced.

One of Fortnite's Potential Chapter 5 Season 2 Weapons Has Leaked

Fortnite dataminer Hypex recently shared details about the next DMR in a tweet. The weapon will be available in five different rarities, with damage ranging from 58 to 70 depending on the rarity. Each rarity also has its own build damage and headshot damage values. Additionally, the DMR will have a reload time that varies based on rarity, a clip size of seven bullets, and a fire rate of 1.5. Hypex noted that these stats are subject to change before the official release of the weapon. Another dataminer, FN_Assist, posted an image of a DMR that was expected to be released during this season, leading to speculation that it could be the same weapon mentioned by Hypex.

Twitter article posted by HYPEX

Twitter article posted by FNAssist


Comes in five rarities

Each rarity's damage is 58, 61, 64, 67, and 70

Build damage is 63, 67, 70, 74, and 77

Headshot damage is 102, 107, 112, 117, and 123

Reload time ranges from 2.8 seconds to 2.1 seconds based on rarity

Clip size of seven bullets

Fire rate is 1.5

The upcoming season of Fortnite, following the conclusion of Chapter 5 Season 1 on March 8, may introduce a new DMR. Rumors suggest that the next season will be themed around Greek mythology, potentially bringing in new items or mechanics.

fortnite-1 - Recently, the same dataminer also revealed that Fortnite might be releasing a new iteration of the Tactical Shotgun

fortnite-1 - Recently, the same dataminer also revealed that Fortnite might be releasing a new iteration of the Tactical Shotgun

Dataminers recently leaked information hinting at a new version of the Tactical Shotgun in Fortnite. The updated stats suggest a smaller magazine, increased damage, slower fire rate, and quicker reload time. Speculation points to a possible release date of March 8, coinciding with Chapter 5 Season 2.

In addition, dataminers uncovered clues indicating a crossover event between Fortnite and Avatar: The Last Airbender during Chapter 5 Season 2. The event is rumored to kick off in late April and conclude on May 3, although dataminers caution that the dates may be placeholders.

Editor's P/S:

As a Fortnite enthusiast, I am thrilled about the prospect of a new DMR being added to the game. The DMR has always been a popular weapon type in Fortnite, offering a unique blend of range, accuracy, and versatility. The fact that it will be available in multiple rarities, with varying damage and stats, adds an extra layer of excitement. I can't wait to get my hands on it and experiment with different loadouts.

The upcoming season of Fortnite promises to be packed with new content and surprises. The rumored Greek mythology theme could introduce fascinating new items, mechanics, and cosmetics. The addition of the DMR, along with the leaked Tactical Shotgun and Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover event, hints at a season that will be both engaging and memorable. I am eager to see what else Epic Games has in store for us in Chapter 5 Season 2.