Fans express disappointment with Season 7 sequel episode of Rick and Morty

Fans express disappointment with Season 7 sequel episode of Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty fans express extreme disappointment with Season 7 Episode 8, labeling it as an excruciating experience The sequel episode is being heavily criticized for its unbearable nature

The reaction to Season 7 Episode 8 of Rick and Morty has been less than favorable, with many fans calling it "torture."

Despite a rocky start, the latest chapter of Rick and Morty has begun to find its stride with storylines like suicide spaghetti, Strong Summer, and a pivotal fight that will have significant impacts on the characters and their journeys.

By the midpoint of Season 7, fans had largely overlooked the fact that Rick and Morty were being voiced by new actors following Justin Roiland's departure from the show. In fact, the episode was even praised as the "best in the series."

However, Episode 8 has not been as well-received, despite its status as a sequel to a beloved Season 2 episode.

Rick and Morty fans slam Season 7 sequel episode as “torture”

In Season 7 Episode 8, titled ‘Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie’, the show managed to incorporate a plethora of major franchise tropes within a 22-minute timeframe, and also made a return of Ice-T as his “true” form, Water-T – the character previously seen in Season 2 Episode 5, ‘Get Schwifty’.

The most recent release didn't go over well with fans because of its chaotic storyline and the absence of Rick for the first time in the series. Many took to X/Twitter to express their disappointment, with one person saying "God am cringing so hard on Rick and Morty. Actual torture. Stoppp ittt now." Another referred to it as the "Worst Rick and Morty episode ever released."

One commenter expressed, "I found that episode of Rick and Morty to be quite underwhelming. I rarely feel like I've wasted my time watching something." Another viewer added, "I watched the new Rick and Morty episode and there was no Rick, but at what expense? It was so disappointing."

Redditors expressed similar opinions, such as this person, who stated, "This episode really needed a B plot. Who thought it was okay to have just one storyline? Did they really believe that the weakest part of the Get Schwifty episode was strong enough to carry the entire episode?" Another Redditor admitted, "I hate to be negative about this show because I usually love it, and I've enjoyed this season so far. But within the first 10 minutes, I regretted staying up to watch it. Even last week's episode and the season premiere didn't capture my interest."

“This is as if a post-credits joke turned into an entire episode,” commented another, while a third said: “That has to be the most dreadful show I've ever seen. I'm glad it's finished. Where was Rick?”

Fans express disappointment with Season 7 sequel episode of Rick and Morty

Adult Swim

Some viewers didn't despise the episode, as evidenced by one commentator who shared: "Not every episode has to be profound or have a significant impact on the show's storyline. I don't expect each episode to be as weighty as Spaghetti Timelapse or Aunt Slo. It was lighthearted and enjoyable, and I have no complaints."

Another person added: "I felt that the mockery of big-budget franchise material was strong enough to sustain the episode on its own. However, the inclusion of the Goldenfold angle (a favorite side character since the Inception episode) and the revelation that it was actually Ice T made it worthwhile for me."

" The meta is very effective, targeting everyone who is upset by this episode." Watch Rick and Morty Season 7 Episodes 1-8 on Adult Swim. Explore more of our coverage below:

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about Season 7 Episode 8 of Rick and Morty. On the one hand, I appreciate the show's willingness to take risks and experiment with new formats. On the other hand, I think this particular episode fell short in terms of execution.

The episode's biggest problem was its lack of focus. It tried to cram too many ideas into a single episode, and as a result, none of them were fully developed. The plot was all over the place, and it was difficult to keep track of what was happening. Additionally, the episode's humor was hit-or-miss. Some of the jokes landed, but others fell flat.

Overall, I think Season 7 Episode 8 of Rick and Morty was a disappointment. It had some good ideas, but it ultimately failed to live up to the high standards set by the rest of the series. I hope that the show can bounce back with a stronger episode next week.