Exploring the Possibility of Delaying Joel's Fate in HBO's The Last Of Us Season 2

Exploring the Possibility of Delaying Joel's Fate in HBO's The Last Of Us Season 2

Delve into the uncertainty surrounding Joel's future in the upcoming season, suggesting a potential delay in his fate.

The Last of Us season 2 may not be able to avoid the fate of Joel as seen in the games, but there is a possibility to prolong Pedro Pascal's portrayal of the character in the show. Extending Pascal's role in The Last of Us season 2 could bring several advantages to the adaptation. However, any alterations made to Joel's storyline in the TV series would come with consequences. In essence, delaying Joel's fate would mean transferring his suffering to another character.

In The Last of Us season 1, the ending brought the first video game's story to a faithful conclusion. However, adaptations for television often involve making changes to better suit the new medium. One such change could be swapping the fates of characters, like Jesse and Joel, in The Last of Us season 2.

Both characters are killed by Abby in the source material

Pedro Pascal looking down, serious, as Joel in The Last of Us season 1 - Both characters are killed by Abby in the source material - Jesse & Joel Could Swap Deaths In The Last Of Us Season 2

Pedro Pascal looking down, serious, as Joel in The Last of Us season 1 - Both characters are killed by Abby in the source material - Jesse & Joel Could Swap Deaths In The Last Of Us Season 2

Fans of The Last of Us games are familiar with Joel's early demise at the hands of Abby in The Last of Us Part II. However, Joel isn't the only character to meet a tragic end by Abby's actions. Jesse, another victim, is shot dead by Abby in a cold and almost insignificant manner in Seattle. This does not do justice to the story or Jesse's character. The upcoming season, with Kaitlyn Dever playing Abby, could potentially improve the impact of these deaths by swapping the order of events.

By changing the sequence of events, Jesse's death could become a more impactful moment in the opening act, while Joel's exit could be reimagined to resemble a more intense version of the theater shooting. This alteration allows Abby to maintain her villainous kill count from the games, albeit in a slightly different order. Although the change may seem bold, the ultimate outcome remains the same. The key differences lie in Jesse receiving a more memorable final scene, and Joel surviving longer into the events of The Last of Us season 2.

The Last Of Us Season 2 Would Benefit From Keeping Joel In The Story For Longer

There are upsides to Pascal's presence beyond the story of The Last of Us

Pedro Pascal as Joel and Bella Ramsey as Ellie in a scene from The Last of Us. - There are upsides to Pascal's presence beyond the story of The Last of Us - The Last Of Us Season 2 Would Benefit From Keeping Joel In The Story For Longer

Pedro Pascal as Joel and Bella Ramsey as Ellie in a scene from The Last of Us. - There are upsides to Pascal's presence beyond the story of The Last of Us - The Last Of Us Season 2 Would Benefit From Keeping Joel In The Story For Longer

By having Jesse take his place, pre-existing fans will be caught off balance and not know what other changes the show could make to its source material.

Swapping Joel's fate with Jesse's would help keep the adaptation fresh in a key way. Those who have played the games will be aware that Joel dies almost immediately at the hands of Abby. However, by having Jesse take his place, pre-existing fans will be caught off balance and not know what other changes the show could make to its source material. It also helps them to experience the story almost as if it were their first time doing so. For those unfamiliar with the games, the overall narrative wouldn't be different enough to feel like they were missing out.

There is another advantage, outside of story reasons, why Joel's bigger role would benefit the show. At present, Pedro Pascal is still the biggest name associated with The Last of Us. Pascal's image, along with Bella Ramsey's, has been used to promote The Last of Us from very early in the development process. By keeping him involved for longer, Max's adaptation becomes much easier to market to those who still haven't seen it. A big name like Pascal can draw in audiences who are unfamiliar with the franchise.

Certain viewers may lose interest in The Last of Us if Pedro Pascal's role in season 2 is limited. This is crucial because the success of season 2 will determine the possibility of a third season. Some may argue that Joel could still make appearances in later episodes through flashbacks, as seen in The Last of Us Part II. However, by that point, the show may have already lost viewers. In the television industry, these decisions are often driven by business considerations.

The Last Of Us Season 1 Shows Willingness to Make Changes

Bill & Frank's The Last of Us Episode Features Surprising Differences

Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett as Bill and Frank in The Last of Us episode 3 - Bill & Frank's The Last of Us episode was very different to what happened to their game characters - The Last Of Us Season 1 Has Already Shown The Adaptation Is Willing To Make Changes To The Games

Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett as Bill and Frank in The Last of Us episode 3 - Bill & Frank's The Last of Us episode was very different to what happened to their game characters - The Last Of Us Season 1 Has Already Shown The Adaptation Is Willing To Make Changes To The Games

The Last of Us has not been afraid to implement changes in order to enhance the adaptation. In episode 3 of season 1, titled "Long, Long Time," the fate of Bill and Frank featured mostly new content that diverged from the original game. While Bill briefly appeared in the game, Frank was only mentioned by name. This significant alteration in the timeline of The Last of Us season 1 showcases the potential for the show to greatly benefit from bold creative choices, such as the Joel/Jesse swap.

Youtube video: The Last of Us Season 1 Trailer

That being said, "Long, Long Time" provided a more detailed exploration of the themes introduced in the initial game. If Joel were to switch roles with Jesse, it would represent a significant and daring narrative shift for the show. Nevertheless, The Last of Us season 1 successfully kept both gamers and non-gamers engaged, setting a standard for captivating storytelling. Therefore, it would not be surprising for the show to continue pushing boundaries in The Last of Us season 2.

Jesse & Ellie's Relationship Would Need To Be Altered For The Swap To Work

Dana is the object of both characters' desires in The Last of Us Part II

Ellie and Jesse standing side-by-side in The Last of Us Part 2. - Dana is the object of both characters' desires in The Last of Us Part II - Jesse & Ellie's Relationship Would Need To Be Altered For The Swap To Work

Ellie and Jesse standing side-by-side in The Last of Us Part 2. - Dana is the object of both characters' desires in The Last of Us Part II - Jesse & Ellie's Relationship Would Need To Be Altered For The Swap To Work

One of the main reasons why Jesse's death doesn't serve as the main catalyst in the story is the lack of a strong bond between him and Ellie. Their relationship is more of a romantic rivalry, centered around their feelings for Dana, rather than a deep friendship. To make Jesse's death more impactful in the TV show, the writers would need to portray Jesse and Ellie as much closer friends than their portrayal in the games.

His death would not only trigger Ellie's vengeful quest, but also intensify her pain upon learning about her friends' unborn child. Instead of Jesse, Joel would join Ellie and Dana on their journey to Seattle to confront Abby. The emotional impact of Joel's death in Seattle would be heightened by the additional time he spent with Ellie, a dynamic not seen in The Last of Us games.

The first season of The Last of Us can be streamed on Max, with no confirmed release date yet for the second season.

Editor's P/S:

The article presents a compelling case for delaying Joel's fate in "The Last of Us" season 2, offering intriguing possibilities for the adaptation. Swapping Joel's death with Jesse's would challenge fan expectations, breathe new life into the story, and maintain the impact of Abby's actions. It would also allow for a more satisfying conclusion to Joel's character arc, as he could spend more time with Ellie and witness her growth.

However, the article also acknowledges the potential consequences of such an alteration, namely the need to strengthen Jesse and Ellie's relationship. This change would require careful execution to avoid undermining the emotional weight of Joel's eventual demise. Nevertheless, the show's willingness to make bold creative choices, as evidenced by the Bill and Frank episode, suggests that the writers are not afraid to take risks. Ultimately, the decision of whether to delay Joel's fate or not will depend on the show's overall narrative strategy and the creative team's vision for the character.