Exploring the Nexus Events in the TVA Timeline of Loki

Exploring the Nexus Events in the TVA Timeline of Loki

Loki unveils the mind-bending science-fiction elements of the TVA, potentially shaking the very foundations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Brace yourself for a thrilling exploration of intersecting timelines and the consequences they hold


The intersecting timelines in Loki season 2 could have significant consequences on the MCU multiverse, as energy collisions tend to affect each other in the real world.

The intersecting timelines in question may exhibit synchronicity at specific significant junctures, similar to the Canon Events seen in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Kang the Conqueror could potentially take advantage of the multiverse's potential collapse caused by the convergence of timelines in order to manipulate history and further his own plans for war. The primary objective of Loki and the TVA is to ensure the stability of the Time Loom and avert the occurrence of infinite branching timelines.

The consequences of Sylvie killing He Who Remains are revealed in Loki season 2. On the TVA's timeline monitor, multiple two-dimensional branching timelines are depicted, some of which seem to have intersected. This may be a new occurrence in the MCU multiverse or simply a poorly depicted illustration. The concept of time as energy in the fictional scientific realm could present problems with these intersecting timelines. When different energy entities collide or come close to each other, they typically have an impact on each other in the real world. While real-world physics may not necessarily apply in Loki or the MCU, revealing this information without proper plot justification could potentially spoil a significant and satisfying outcome.

So far, branching timelines in the MCU have not been shown to affect any other timeline. However, if timelines intersect, the consequences can range from disastrous to virtually harmless. It is possible that the depicted intersecting timelines may not be precisely crossing through each other, but rather, one timeline passing over or under another. Nevertheless, this point of intersection or passing could still hold significance as two different timelines now potentially share some level of synchronicity. While history may not exactly repeat itself in these Loki season 2 timelines, there could be an echo of past events.

MCU's Version Of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse's Canon Events

Exploring the Nexus Events in the TVA Timeline of Loki

In the movie Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the multiverse timelines were connected to each other in a web-like network. These connections, known as Canon Events, were moments in Spider-Man's life that repeated in the lives of other Spider-People. For example, the death of Uncle Ben for Peter Parker was a Canon Event that also led to the loss of loved ones in the lives of other Spider-People. Miles Morales, in his own universe, hopes to prevent this same loss or Canon Event. These Canon Events are significant because they could potentially occur in the MCU multiverse if there is any significance to the intersecting timelines.

However, unlike in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, it may not be necessary for these similar events to unfold in the same way. In fact, the non-occurrence of these Canon Events as they should in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse could lead to the collapse of universes. The MCU multiverse can deviate from the multiversal principle seen in Loki. There are other theoretical concepts of the multiverse that the MCU could explore, particularly regarding the impact or influence of intersecting or closely running timelines. According to one theory, parallel timelines could force a mirrored effect, where the actions of one Loki determine the actions of their parallel variant Loki. This would mean that the free will and self-determination Sylvie and Loki are fighting for are once again out of their control.

What Canon Events Could Mean For MCU Timeline

Exploring the Nexus Events in the TVA Timeline of Loki

If the points at which timelines intersect or overlap in Loki follow the same events as the canon timeline, this presents a problem for Loki's ambitions of creating his own story. While it justifies the Marvel Cinematic Universe's continuation of similar narratives with familiar characters due to the nature of the multiverse, it also opens up possibilities for new stories, such as Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness. The collapse of the multiverse, whether on a universal or multiverse scale, could be the opportunity that Kang the Conqueror is searching for to restore the Sacred Timeline. As a result, these intersecting timelines could provide opportunities for rewriting history by traveling to these specific points in time. Kang variants who have the ability to time travel could exploit these points to more swiftly advance their plans for war across the multiverse.

When time is harnessed as energy, it has the potential to impact neighboring timelines, regardless of whether they collide or not. The Sacred Timeline represents a continuous and directed flow of timeline energy through the Time Loom. Similar to how solar flares or the gravitational effects of collapsed stars can affect other celestial bodies in their vicinity, the dispersion of unchecked energy, such as uncontrollable branching timelines, can lead to catastrophic consequences. As a result, the timelines in Loki may be exerting unknown influences on one another. The extent of the impact of these influences, if any, is at the discretion and imagination of the writers. Loki and the TVA's next priority is to stabilize the Time Loom to accommodate for the infinite branching timelines.

In the MCU multiverse, the implications of managing the branching timelines are crucial for Loki and Sylvie. They want to maintain their autonomy, which poses a challenge. To prevent connections and intersections, they may have to resort to pruning the timelines. Alternatively, they could reinstate a less villainous figure like He Who Remains to devise a solution. However, this would require manipulating people's free will for the sake of the multiverse's safety. Both Loki and Sylvie are reluctant to pay the steep cost that comes with compromising freedom of choice in Loki.