Exploring the Connection Between Jared Leto's TRON: Ares Character and the Original Villain

Exploring the Connection Between Jared Leto's TRON: Ares Character and the Original Villain

Discover the theory behind the link between TRON: Ares and the franchise's iconic villain. Will this notorious antagonist make a comeback in the upcoming installment?

A first look at Jared Leto's character in TRON: Ares has been revealed, sparking a theory that he may be linked to the original villain of the TRON franchise. Little is known about Leto's character in the upcoming TRON sequel, with only a few details trickling out during the film's development. However, as the release date approaches, more information is expected to surface. Some TRON fans believe they have already unraveled a significant mystery, as Leto's character in TRON: Ares could have a major connection to the franchise's history.

The original TRON from 1982 gained a cult following, depicting a computer programmer getting pulled into a video game and being thrust into a digital revolution. Despite its success and groundbreaking visual effects, it took years for a sequel to materialize, leading to 2010's TRON: Legacy. Unfortunately, the sequel did not meet expectations, resulting in TRON going on hiatus once more. After the setback of TRON: Legacy, a new sequel titled TRON: Ares is finally in the works, promising to reignite the excitement of returning to the Grid.

The Red Lighting In TRON: Ares Is A Direct Connection To The Master Control Program

TRON Sark MCP - The Red Lighting In TRON: Ares Is A Direct Connection To The Master Control Program

TRON Sark MCP - The Red Lighting In TRON: Ares Is A Direct Connection To The Master Control Program

Jared Leto's TRON: Ares character is depicted with red lighting, a direct nod to the original villain from the TRON franchise: the Master Control Program. The first image of TRON: Ares gives us a glimpse of Leto's character, who is set to play a significant role in the upcoming film. While we're not sure yet if Ares will be a hero or a villain, the presence of red light in the image hints at his potential antagonist role in the story.

In the 1982 TRON film, program colors signified their allegiance, with blue programs being friendly towards users and red programs showing hostility, aiming to eliminate users from the Grid. The red lighting indicated loyalty to the Master Control Program, aligning them with his army. Following the defeat of the MCP, the significance of red lighting changed in TRON: Legacy. In the reboot, Clu reprogrammed loyal MCP followers, now serving under him.

In the TRON movie franchise, the Master Control Program (MCP) was the main antagonist, ruling over the red programs and enslaving them within the digital world. This oppressive system led to rebellions, such as the one fought by the freedom fighters. Eventually, Kevin Flynn and Tron successfully defeated the MCP, restoring peace to the Grid by deleting the tyrannical program.

TRON 3 Theory: Ares, played by Jared Leto, is speculated to be a program working for the MCP, continuing the battle for control within the digital realm.

This custom image shows Ares from TRON: ARES from the back with a glow around him. - TRON 3 Theory: Jared Leto's Ares Is A Program Who Works For Tron's MCP

This custom image shows Ares from TRON: ARES from the back with a glow around him. - TRON 3 Theory: Jared Leto's Ares Is A Program Who Works For Tron's MCP

Custom Image by Dani Kessel Odom

Although Jared Leto's character Ares is not featured in TRON or TRON: Legacy, a popular theory for TRON 3 suggests that Ares may actually be a program working for the Master Control Program. The significant red light associated with Ares points towards allegiance to either the MCP or Clu, as seen in the history of the TRON franchise. With Kevin Flynn having integrated Clu back into himself in TRON: Legacy, it seems unlikely for him to be controlling Ares.

In the event of a reboot of the Grid for unknown reasons, it is plausible for villainous programs to realign themselves with the MCP, potentially explaining the presence of Jared Leto's character, Ares. While the exact motivations of Ares remain unclear due to limited information on the story of TRON: Ares, it is evident that this character initially portrays a villainous role. Given that the MCP serves as the main antagonist throughout the TRON franchise, it is logical for Leto's character to be affiliated with him in TRON: Ares.

TRON: Legacy Set Up How Master Control Program Could Return In TRON 3

Sam Flynn grabbing his disc from his back as seen through Clu's legs in Tron Legacy - TRON: Legacy Set Up How Master Control Program Could Return In TRON 3

Sam Flynn grabbing his disc from his back as seen through Clu's legs in Tron Legacy - TRON: Legacy Set Up How Master Control Program Could Return In TRON 3

The main issue with this theory is that the Master Control Program (MCP) is deleted at the conclusion of the original TRON. However, TRON: Legacy has already laid the groundwork for the possible return of the MCP in TRON 3. In the first TRON, the MCP was created by a computer programmer named Edward Dillinger, who was responsible for all the villainous actions in the film. TRON: Legacy expanded on this by introducing Cillian Murphy as Edward Dillinger Jr., setting the stage for the MCP's comeback.

Similar to his father, Dillinger Jr. is also a computer programmer, as hinted in TRON: Legacy. There is potential for the character to work towards reviving the MCP in a future installment. It is crucial for TRON: Ares to not overlook the setup of this villainous character from TRON: Legacy, emphasizing the importance of bringing back Edward Dillinger Jr. This could lead to the return of the MCP and explain the red hue of Jared Leto's character, Ares. TRON: Legacy already hinted at this storyline, suggesting that TRON: Ares has the opportunity to further develop it.

What MCP's Role In TRON: Ares Would Mean For The Story

Sam (Garrett Hedlund) races a Program on a light cycle in Tron Legacy - What MCP's Role In TRON: Ares Would Mean For The Story

Sam (Garrett Hedlund) races a Program on a light cycle in Tron Legacy - What MCP's Role In TRON: Ares Would Mean For The Story

Bringing back the Master Control Program in TRON: Legacy would have a significant impact on the story. Ares serving the MCP could lead to exciting possibilities, such as Ares being a program created to assist the MCP in overthrowing the Grid once more. It's also possible that Ares is working to free the MCP from its deletion at the end of the original TRON. This could set the stage for TRON: Ares to focus on shutting down the MCP again.

The return of the MCP in the upcoming film would be a major development, confirming TRON: Ares as a sequel to both TRON and TRON: Legacy. The official status of TRON: Ares is currently uncertain - it could be a soft reboot, a direct sequel, or an entirely new story. However, drawing from the core narrative of TRON and the villain setup in TRON: Legacy would undoubtedly position the upcoming film as a continuation of the franchise. While nothing is confirmed yet, the potential return of the MCP in TRON: Ares presents an opportunity too good to pass up.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an intriguing theory that Jared Leto's character in TRON: Ares may be linked to the original villain, the Master Control Program (MCP). The red lighting associated with Ares suggests a potential allegiance to the MCP or its followers, hinting at a continuation of the battle for control within the digital realm. While the exact motivations of Ares remain unknown, the theory is plausible and aligns with the historical significance of red lighting in the TRON franchise.

The article also highlights the setup in TRON: Legacy for the possible return of the MCP through Edward Dillinger Jr. This adds an exciting dimension to the theory, suggesting that Ares could be working to revive the MCP or assist it in some way. The return of the MCP would have a significant impact on the story of TRON: Ares, potentially setting the stage for a thrilling conflict between the Grid and the tyrannical program once again.