Exclusive: Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Assassin's Creed Hexe Teaser Hidden in Mirage

Exclusive: Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Assassin's Creed Hexe Teaser Hidden in Mirage

A dataminer stumbles upon an intriguing Assassin's Creed Hexe teaser, originally intended by Ubisoft as a post-credits scene in Mirage Uncover the captivating details of this hidden gem and delve into the mysteries it holds


Datamined files from Assassin's Creed Mirage hint at a post-credits scene teasing Assassin's Creed Hexe, the upcoming game believed to be set in 16th-century Europe.

The teaser reveals a dialogue set in what seems to be the 22nd century or beyond, hinting at futuristic segments in Hexe and the possibility of progression in the present-day plot. The exclusion of this scene from Mirage could be attributed to Ubisoft's decision to omit contemporary sequences from the game.

A datamined teaser from Assassin's Creed Mirage revealed an apparent teaser for Assassin's Creed Hexe. The file, which was unearthed, suggests that the cut content was originally intended to be included as a post-credits scene following the conclusion of Assassin's Creed Mirage.

In September 2022, Ubisoft announced Assassin's Creed Hexe through a brief video teaser that unveiled the game's logo and codename. Since then, no further information has been shared about the title, causing speculation within the fandom that the game may be set in 16th-century Europe during the peak of the witch trials.

Dataminer Sliderv2 has recently discovered an intriguing Hexe teaser within the files of Assassin's Creed Mirage. Unveiling a 93-second clip, this footage showcases a riveting conversation between two Animus operators, seemingly taking place in the 22nd century or even further into the future. Adding to the allure, one character dismissively refers to the 21st century as "ancient history" within the cutscene, hinting at the vast temporal scope of the narrative. The enigmatic duo engages in a discussion surrounding a genetic memory belonging to one of the Isu, quite possibly forming a pivotal element of Assassin's Creed Mirage's storyline.

Exclusive: Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Assassin's Creed Hexe Teaser Hidden in Mirage

As the enigmatic conversation continues, the camera serenely glides across the Iraqi desert, ultimately settling upon a solitary antenna protruding from the sand. The exclusion of this tantalizing snippet from the latest installment of Assassin's Creed appears to have been a deliberate choice rather than a last-minute alteration, as the video itself possesses rough edges, with occasional instances of abrupt foliage appearance and levitating rock formations. The evidence strongly suggests that this video was removed from the game long before its completion, yet its connection to Assassin's Creed Hexe remains indisputable, given that the newly discovered file is named "Post Credits_AC Neo Dialogue." It is worth noting that 'Neo' reportedly served as the original code name for Assassin's Creed Hexe before Ubisoft abandoned it around the time of the game's announcement in 2022.

There are numerous plausible reasons for why Ubisoft Bordeaux may have opted to eliminate this particular scene from the game. Firstly, in previous instances, post-credits scenes have typically hinted at upcoming entries in the series, with the current prevailing belief that Assassin's Creed Red, speculated to launch in late 2024, will be the next installment, rather than Hexe. Alternatively, the decision to omit this teaser may have stemmed from Ubisoft's choice not to incorporate modern-day segments in Assassin's Creed Mirage.

Regardless of the outcome, if this excluded content becomes official, it is logical to assume that Hexe will include segments set in the future, whether in a playable form or not. Although Assassin's Creed Mirage made minimal progress in the modern storyline of the series, Ubisoft has ample opportunity to do so in future installments, particularly due to the fact that the company currently has more than six confirmed new games in development.

Assassin's Creed Mirage is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A port for the iPhone 15 Pro is planned for early 2024.